DOI: 10.34916/el.2019.11.02
Theo Hug University of Innsbruck (Austria)
Abstract: In the wake of digital networks and the penetration of private and public realms by algorithmic dynamics and robots, new claims and tech promises as related to A.I., robotics and machine learning have been increasingly gaining currency. On the one hand, new opportunities for individuals, groups, societies and transnational developments are being emphasized. On the other hand, there is a need of differentiated and critical analysis in view of grandiose promises, naive visions of robocracy and obvious examples of A.S. (“Artificial Stupidity”). The paper presents a selection of metaphorical descriptions of robots and humanrobot relations, followed by an analysis of the key metaphor “artificial companion”. On this basis, the relevance of the results for issues of accountability and responsibility is being presented. Finally, the contribution aims at reflecting ethical consequences for future-oriented ideas of responsible robotics.
Keywords: educational robotics, artificial companions, metaphor analysis, robot ethics, machine learning
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