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University of Silesia in Katowice

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doctoral student
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Grants from external funds allow obtaining full financing of one’s research and additional remuneration. The University of Silesia supports doctoral students in obtaining these funds and their administrative service.

If you are a doctoral student at the University of Silesia and you search for support in obtaining funds, use the assistance of the Project Office at your faculty or at the Doctoral School (list of offices).

Selected sources of research funding for doctoral students


National Science Centre (NSC)



The contest is aimed at those who start their scientific career and do not have a doctoral degree. Doctoral students have the ability to independently conduct a research project, lasting one, two or three years. It may (however it does not have to) be related to the subject of the doctoral dissertation. Apart from the doctoral student, one person may belong to the research team (excluding the research supervisor). The maximum project financing is PLN 210000. Recruitment: by 15th June 2022.

More information at: www.ncn.gov.pl/ogloszenia/konkursy/preludium21


The competition is intended for people at any stage of their academic career. Proposed projects may last 12, 24, 36 or 48 months. The formal condition is having at least one published (or accepted for publication) scientific work / one artistic achievement / one artistic and scientific achievement.
Call for proposals: for national projects: until June 15, 2022; for projects implemented in international cooperation (LAP): until 15/12/2022
Detailed information: www.ncn.gov.pl/ogloszenia/konkursy/opus23


The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange

Program of the Bekker

Possibility of obtaining financing for a research stay to a selected, reputable research center around the world. A doctoral student may plan a trip lasting from 3 to 12 months (continuously). The trip may commence on 01/03 – 01/10/2023. The conditions for joining the program are: 1) having an approved IRP, 2) having at least one scientific achievement from among those listed in the program regulations.

Recruitment: until May 10, 2022

Detailed information: nawa.gov.pl/naukowcy/program-imienia-bekkera/ogłoszenia


Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW)



Ministry of Education and Science

The scholarship is given to outstanding young scientists, including doctoral students, who have demonstrated significant achievements in scientific activity. The scholarship replaced the previous scholarship of the Ministry of r Education and Science for outstanding doctoral students.

Admissions: usually by the end of the calendar year

More information at: www.gov.pl/web/edukacja-i-nauka/stypendia-dla-mlodych-naukowcow

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