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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Biologists’ Night | 11th edition

20.12.2021 - 13:06, update 24.05.2022 - 12:49
Editors: wc-a
Tags: Biologists' Night, Noc Biologów, science communication, Science popularisation

The main theme of the 11th edition of the Biologists’ Night will be “Biodiversity – from gene to ecosystem”. The events organised under the initiative will be spread over a period of several months.

The 11th edition of the Biologists Night will begin on 21 January 2022. During online workshops and meetings, scientists from the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Silesia will discuss the issues connected with their research fields. The broadcasts will be available on the YouTube channel of the University of Silesia and on the Faculty’s Facebook Fanpage.

The second part of the 11th edition of the Biologists’ Night will start on 18 May 2022 under the slogan “Biologists’ Night for encore!”. The participants will take part in a science picnic. What is more, workshops and laboratory classes for teenagers will be organised in the building of the Faculty of Natural Sciences in Sosnowiec. The meeting will be combined with an accompanying international event “Fascination of Plants Day”.

The 11th edition of the Biologists’ Night will end with a vernissage of artistic photography on biodiversity scheduled for June 2022.

You can follow the news related to the event on Facebook and on the website of the Faculty of Natural Sciences.

Plakat promujący XI Noc Biologów. Na górze data wydarzenia: 21.01.2022 oraz wymienieni organizatorzy. W środku różnokolorowe koło złożone z biologicznych elementów a w środku hasło: „Różnorodność biologiczna – od genu do ekosystemu”. Na dole po lewej stronie daty poszczególnych wydarzeń Nocy Biologów (wspomniane w tekście) oraz logo Nocy Biologów, Uniwersytetu Śląskiego oraz Fascination of Plants Day.

Poster promoting the event


As part of the event three competitions have been planned:

  • „Nie zagrażam a przetwarzam” (“I’m not a threat, I recycle”) – deadline for submissions: 16 January 2022. The results were announced on 21 January 2022.:
    • A – grades 1–4,
    • B – grades 5–8;

The results are available HERE.

  • Infographics „Moja wizja zrównoważonego rozwoju” (My vision of sustainable development) – deadline for submissions: 16 January 2022. The results were announced on 21 January 2022. The competition is open to all interested students from all over Poland, regardless of age.
  • „NB 2022 po mojemu” (“Biologists’ Night 2022 in my own way”) – deadline for submissions: 23 January 2022. The results will be announced on 18 May 2022. The competition is open to all interested students from all over Poland, regardless of age.

Files (only available in Polish):

„Nie zagrażam a przetwarzam”  (“I’m not a threat, I recycle”):

„Moja wizja zrównoważonego rozwoju” (“My vision of sustainable development”):

„NB 2022 po mojemu” (“Biologists’ Night 2022 in my own way”):

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