European Charter for Researchers at the University of Silesia
The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) is a 5-step process through which institutions can adapt their HR policies to the principles set out in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (C&C). The aim of HRS4R is to improve and increase the effectiveness of national research systems supporting the increase in quality of research.
The Charter and the Code have been introduced predominantly in order to strengthen the innovativeness and competitiveness of research by creating an atmosphere conducive to research activities and by ensuring stable working conditions at all stages of career path, i.e. a friendly and ethical working environment.
specifies the roles, responsibilities and entitlements of researchers as well as of employers and/or funders of researchers. It contains provisions concerning, among others, working conditions, career development and international mobility.
describes the rules under which researchers should be recruited, ensuring equal treatment for all researchers in Europe. It stresses the need for transparent communication on competition procedures, and for creating professional development opportunities at all stages of career, it includes non-discrimination principles based on, among others, gender, age, ethnicity, language.
→ The full text of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Rectruitment of Researchers (a pdf document in English, 270 kB)
Open, transparent and merit-based recruitment of researchers (OTM-R) is an important element of the HR Strategy for Researchers, a pillar of the European Charter for Researchers, and in particular the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The implementation of OTM-R policy and the application of its principles ensures that institutions recruit the best person for the job, guarantees equal opportunities for all candidates, facilitates development by promoting mobility, cooperation and competitiveness. This increases the attractiveness of scientific careers, which ultimately translates into quality research.
→ Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment of Researchers (OTM-R) (pdf)
October 2020
Introduction of the “Regulations Concerning the Detailed Organization, Mode and Terms of Conducting Open Calls in Employment of Academics at the University of Silesia” including the policy of Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment of Academics at the University of Silesia in Katowice.
The Award (formerly the logo) Human Resources Excellence in Research is granted by the European Commission as part of the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R), which aims to increase the attractiveness of working conditions and careers of researchers in Europe. Awarded institutions are promoted by the European Commission among international organisations and researchers.
Benefits for the university:
prestige and distinction for the university as an institution that creates the best conditions for work in research and research and development (R&D), in accordance with European standards,
a significant increase in the level of attractiveness of employment at the university, recognised as one that creates favourable conditions for research and respects transparent recruitment principles,
adding value to international grant competitions of the European Commission in the European Union Horizon 2020 Programme in the field of research and innovation,
adding value to national grant competitions of the National Science Centre and the National Centre for Research and Development, as well as in competitions and programmes of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education,
- the right to post offers on the European researcher recruitment platform Euraxess.
The University of Silesia in Katowice received the HR Excellence in Research Award on May 19, 2017.
October 2022
- Formal acceptance of the report
- Send the Internal Review for Renewal Assessment
September 2022
next Internal Review for Award Renewal Assessment based on the level of HRS4R implementation
September 2019
external review (by Euraxess experts) of the initial phase of implementing the HRS4R process:
- confirmation of the implementation of the HRS4R process,
- acceptance without modifications of the action plan for the years 2019–2021,
- recommendations for further implementation of the principles of the Charter and Code for Researchers in recruitment,
- positive assessment of steps taken to implement HRS4R,
- designing activities for the renewal phase.
May 2019 – Internal Review (Interim Assessment) of the initial phase of HRS4R implementation;
May 20, 2019
Internal Review
work on the Strategy:
- SWOT analysis
- audit of the human resources area
- recommendations for the US Strategy
- establishment of the Human Resources Development Beaureau, whose tasks include, among others, coordinating activities and monitoring of the HRS4R implementation process
- commencement of work on the new Statutes for the University of Silesia
implementation of the Action Plan 2016–2018 (formal adoption of internal regulations)
May 19, 2017
granting the HR Excellence in Research Award to the University of Silesia
- application to the European Commission for the HR Excellence in Research Award
- development of an internal gap analysis and the Action Plan 2016–2018
- statement of support for the ECR principles
- employee survey on working conditions at US for academic staff
- establishment of a team for the implementation of the C&C principles
The institutions that have received the HR Excellence in Research Award have the right to use the Euraxess portal, which supports the mobility and career development of researchers.
Researchers have access to information about grants and scholarships abroad as well as to a database of job offers containing hundreds of announcements from a variety of European institutions, universities, research institutes and private companies.
- Internal Review 2022:
- Internal Review 2019
- Action Plan 2019–2021
- OTM-R Checklist
- Analysis of deficiencies in internal regulations
- Action plan 2016–2018
- European Charter for Researchers (ECR) and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (pdf, 270 kB)
- OTM-R – Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment of Researchers (pdf, 212 kB)