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Career Development Academy 2022 – a series of trainings

23.06.2022 - 15:36, update 11.08.2022 - 11:16
Editors: katarzynasuchanska

Career Development Academy is a series of summer holiday trainings dedicated to professional and personal development. The participants will take part in courses in such areas as project management, communicativeness, groupwork, negotiation skills, entrepreneurship and many others.

In 2022, the following trainings have been prepared for students and graduates of the University of Silesia:

  • 6 July, 9.30–12.30: Sopra Steria Polska, „Chcieć to mieć. Negocjacje w biznesie i nie tylko” (To want is to have) – about negotiation techniques and importance of body language,
  • 13 July, 10.00–13.30: ZUS (Social Insurance Institution) Chorzów, training in the field of conducting business activity:
    1st part: „Zakładasz firmę? Zatrudniasz pracowników? Poznaj prawa i obowiązki płatnika składek” (Starting a company? Get to know the rights and duties of a contribution payer),
    2nd part: „Własna firma, praca na etacie, a do tego jeszcze zlecenie – ratunku! Kto płaci składki na ubezpieczenia społeczne?” (Own company, full-time job plus contract of mandate – help! Who pays social insurance contributions?),
  • 20 July, 10.00–14.00: PZU, „W świetle jupiterów” (In the spotlight) – preparing for public speeches,
  • 27 July, 10.00–13.00: Sigma Software, „Your plan for this summer! Career start!” (training in English) – how to win the desired future in all fields and how to set priorities effectively,
  • 3 August, 10.00–14.00: career advisor from the Career Office, „Warsztaty kreatywności – o tym czy drzemie w nas twórczy potencjał, jak tworzyć innowacyjne rozwiązania oraz co hamuje, a co pobudza naszą kreatywność” (Creativity workshop – whether we have hidden creative potential, how to create innovative solutions, what stops and stimulates our creativity),
  • 10 August, 10.00–13.30: TMF RDC Europe, „Tworzenie CV krok po kroku” (Creating your CV step by step) – guidelines and good practices, candidate and recruiter perspective, creating and running a profile on LinkedIn – career management portal,
  • 17 August, 10.00–14.00: PZU (Social Insurance Company), „Ja jako profesjonalista” (Me as a professional) – creating your image using non-verbal communication and self-presentation,
  • 24 August, 10.00–13.00: Sopra Steria Polska, „Skąd znam Twoje hasło do Facebooka?” (How do I know your Facebook password?) – how not to fall victim to cybercriminals,
  • 31 August, 10.00–13.30: TMF RDC Europe, „Rekrutacja bez tajemnic” (Recruitment without secrets) – how to prepare for the process and present yourself well during the interview, how to prepare for a new job – the first day and month in the environment.

The event is organised by the Career Office of the University of Silesia together with representatives of the companies cooperating with the office.

Detailed information are is available at: Career Office of the University of Silesia.

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