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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Student Laurel 2020

26.05.2021 - 12:22, update 27.05.2021 - 12:28
Editors: OO

The Student Laurel is a token of gratitude that students of the University of Silesia in Katowice wish to present to organisations and individuals whose actions have changed our academic reality. This year’s edition will take a hybrid form, allowing all members of our community to participate in the ceremony, regardless of their location.

The awards will be presented in the following five categories:

  • Student’s Friend – selected via electronic voting,
  • Friendly Dean’s Office – selected via electronic voting,
  • Student Government’s Friend,
  • Student Friendly Institution,
  • Honorary Award.

Who will be the winner of the first two categories is up to the students.

The event will be broadcast on the Facebook page of the Student Government of the University of Silesia in Katowice.

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