College of Interdisciplinary Individual Studies at the University of Silesia in Katowice and Stowarzyszenie Biznes – Nauka – Samorząd „Pro Silesia” are organising a series of open seminars entitled „Środowisko miasta – miasto środowiska” (City environment, environmental city). The remote meetings will take place from April to November 2021 at MS Teams. They will also be broadcast on YouTube.
The series of seminars is intended to increase the level of recipients’ awareness and demonstrate how the negative impact of cities on the environment can be reduced, as well as how to obtain positive results in a specific place (locally), in the region and in the whole country. Discussion on the most important problems concerning urban ecosystems is to show the participants what role nature plays in the city and how it can be strengthened to perform its function best in the age of global problems.
Each seminar will focus on the environmental issues identifiable within the city. The following topics will serve as the starting points for particular meetings: biodiversity, water management, soil, public health, air, ecosystem services, green deal and global changes. The seminars will be divided into three parts: papers by experts from the Śląskie Voivodeship, paper by a team of students of the College of Interdisciplinary Individual Studies at the University of Silesia and open discussion.
- 15 April 2021: „Miasto ze wskaźnikiem bioróżnorodności” (City with the biodiversity indicator),
- 22 April 2021: „Miasto jak gąbka!” (City like a sponge!),
- 20 May 2021: „Jakie gleby, takie życie… w mieście” (Life in the city depends on soils),
- 10 June 2021: „Zdrowe miasto – zdrowi mieszkańcy” (Healthy city – healthy inhabitants),
- 16 September 2021: „Jak oddycha miasto?” (How does the city breathe?),
- 21 October 2021: „Ekosystemowa hojność miasta” (Ecosystemic generosity of the city),
- 18 November 2021: „Miejski zielony ład” (Urban green deal),
- 25 November 2021: „My i globalne zmiany w mieście” (Us and global changes in the city).