The celebration of the Francophonie Day at the Faculty of Humanities in Sosnowiec will begin on 22 March 2021 (Monday) at 10 AM via the MS Teams platform. The main theme of this year’s event will be “Dialogues francophones: entre la langue et la culture”.
- 10:00 – ceremonial opening
- 10:30—13:00 – lectures by the Romance Studies lecturers:
- “Portret mitycznego poety quebeckiego w Le Petit Aigle à tête blanche Roberta Lalonde’a” (Portrait of the mythical Quebec poet in Le Petit Aigle à tête blanche Roberta Lalonde’a) by Prof. Krzysztof Jarosz,
- “Vive la France! Vive la femme! O historii Francji inaczej”(Vive la France! Vive la femme! A different approach to the history of France) by Prof. Magdalena Zdrada-Cok, Professor of the University of Silesia,
- “Romain Puértolas i jego rozmowy w czasie i przestrzeni”(Romain Puértolas and his conversations in time and space) by Dr Ewa Drab,
- “Afrofuturisme dans l’imaginaire francophone” by Dr Magdalena Malinowska,
- “Le français ou les français? Les variétés du français d’aujourd’hui” by Philippe Noquet, MA,
- 13:00—14:30 – presenting the results of the competition for schools of Silesian Voivodeship for the “Dialogues francophones” multimedia presentation and presentation of the educational offer of the Romance Studies programme,
- 14:30—16:00 – workshops for students:
- “Lorsque la culture parle… que savez-vous du cinéma francais?” by Dr Dominika Topa-Bryniarska and Dr Anna Dolata-Zaród,
- “Język francuski w obrazach wielkich malarzy”(French in the paintings of great painters) by Dr Monika Horyśniak,
- “Podróż do świata Frankofonii – akcenty i wyrażenia idiomatyczne”(A journey to the world of Francophonie – accents and idiomatic expressions) by Dr Anna Swoboda.
You can apply via the application form.