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University of Silesia in Katowice

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[ONLINE] Conference „2020 – the Year of Physics – discussion panel”

25.11.2020 - 08:35, update 26.11.2020 - 10:58
Editors: MK

20th century was the period when outstanding scientists made many breakthrough discoveries in the field of physics. Thanks to them, we can use nowadays great technological solutions that we could not imagine our lives without. Bold theories contributed to fast development of medicine, environmental protection, industry and the world of entertainment. The development of technology let us cross the borders that our ancestors could only read about in science fiction novels.

The Senate of the Republic of Poland decided that 2020 is the Year of Physics. On this occasion, employees of August Chełkowski Institute of Physics and Katowice branch of Polish Physical Society are organising a two-day conference entitled „2020 – the Year of Physics – discussion panel”.

Scientists associated with our University, as well as invited guests from Polish and foreign research centres, will talk about the most important discoveries of the previous century, and the latest research in physics and related sciences. Time and space, nature of elementary particles, bioavailability of pharmaceuticals, presentation of the biggest Polish research tool – these are some examples of the subjects that will be presented by renowned experts.

The event will be held online on 3 and 4 December 2020 and shown on YouTube channel of Internet Television of the University of Silesia in Katowice.

The meeting will be hosted by physicists from the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Silesia: Assoc. Prof. Seweryn Kowalski, Professor of the University of Silesia, Deputy Dean for Research and International Cooperation and Dr Katarzyna Balin.

The conference is held under the patronage of Prof. Ryszard Koziołek, Rector of the University of Silesia, and Prof. Danuta Stróż, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology.

The meeting is organised by August Chełkowski Institute of Physics and Katowice branch of Polish Physical Society.

Conference programme: https://us.edu.pl/instytut/ifiz/rok-physics-2020/programme/. Detailed information is available on https://us.edu.pl/instytut/ifiz/rok-fizyki-2020/. Participation in the event is free-of-charge.

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