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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Labour unions at the University of Silesia on the lack of increase in remuneration

20.12.2021 - 14:58 update 22.12.2021 - 09:50
Editors: wc-a

Polish Teachers’ Union stance on the matter


The academic community of the University of Silesia in Katowice expresses their strong protest against the decision of Poland’s political authorities on the lack of increase in remuneration for the employees of our sector and its chronic under-financing.

When introducing the higher education and science reform, the then Minister of Science and Higher Education and the Deputy Prime Minister has pledged a significant increase in remuneration. Within that pledge, we were to receive a 30-percent-increase in remuneration spread over 2019–2021. The government has not fulfilled their commitments. Numerous requests of the representatives of our community addressed to the Prime Minister and the Minister of Science and Higher Education remained unanswered. The State Budget Act adopted by the Sejm of the Republic of Poland in 2022 does not take into consideration the demands of our academic community. Simultaneously, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education offers a discussion over an increase in remuneration, however, for the year 2023.

Hence, we are forced to protest in front of the seats of our Alma maters with the slogan: “We demand a real increase in remuneration.”

We demand that Poland’s Government fulfil the social agreement concluded during the preparation of the solutions in Act 2.0.

We demand:

  • 17-percent-increase in remuneration in 2022 for all employees of higher education and science institutions. The increases in the amount of 10% per year have been promised for the years 2019–2021; the implemented amounted to 7% in 2019 and 6% in 2020;
  • increase in the minimum remuneration for work for of a professor to the amount of 3-times the minimum remuneration for work (PLN 9030 in 2020). It constitutes the basis to calculate remuneration for the other academics;
  • the systemic increase in financial outlays in higher education and science to the amount of 3% of the GDP.


Prime Minister,
Minister of Science and Higher Education,
Members of Parliament,

We realise our educational mission, and today we leave the walls of our universities and speak loudly to you.

Science and education is an investment not an expense for the State budget. Every penny invested in science and education brings profit. The profit that benefits the economic development of the country, its wealth, and further development of future generations. Without this investment, we are not able to catch up with the developed European countries, and the future Polish generations will have worse conditions to develop than their European peers.

The Announcement of the Independent Self-Governing Trade Union “Solidarność” at the University of Silesia


Dear Colleagues,

Due to the nationwide protest of the science and higher education employees, we would like to provide you with some vital information.

Due to the nationwide protest conducted by the National Science Section, NSZZ “Solidarność”, on 14 December 2021, the Minister of Science and Higher Education has appointed the Team for Preparation of Solution Suggestions for Remuneration at Public Universities. The team included representatives of, among others, the National Science Section, the General Council for Science and Higher Education, the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland, and directors of departments at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

We should remember that our nationwide protest and demands do not concern only higher education but also the difficult financial situation of all employees of research institutes and research units at the Polish Academy of Sciences. We should speak up for our Colleagues from these institutes as well. Only together can we effectively fight against the pauperisation of the scientific community and fight for better financing of the entire Polish science and education.

The National Science Section, NSZZ „Solidarność” collects signatures for an electronic petition addressed to the Government of the Republic of Poland and the Parliamentarians regarding this difficult financial situation at universities and institutes.

We appeal to all members and supporters of the NSZZ “Solidarność”, the entire academic community, and the Polish who have the well-being of Polish science and education in their hearts to sign the petition.

You can follow the information on the nationwide protest via the National Science Section website and the NSZZ “Solidarność” at the University of Silesia Facebook.

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