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University of Silesia in Katowice

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“Can Science Save Ukraine?” panel within the ESOF2022

11.07.2022 - 15:02 update 18.04.2023 - 12:41
Editors: wc-a
Tags: European City of Science

One of the panels within the ESOF2022 conference in Katowice is “Can Science Save Ukraine? European Universities and Ukraine’s Post-War Transformation”. The panel will cover the topic of Russian aggression against Ukraine. The participants will also wonder about the long-term consequences Ukraine will suffer from due to the war. The speakers will picture the prospects for Ukraine – the current situation might be a turning point for the country’s development and future. The coming reconstruction of Ukraine will have to engage most of the Western world, particularly the European Union, the membership of which is a strategic aim of the Ukrainian policy.

During the panel, the participants will make an attempt to answer the following questions:

  • can the experience, trust, and partnership that emerged from this period be helpful in further, long-term processes of reconstructing post-war Ukraine?
  • what may and should be the role of European universities and scientific institutions in assisting their Ukrainian counterparts in overcoming the legacy of the war and making their ties a driver of modernisation and Europeanisation of the Ukrainian economy, society, and administration?
  • to what extent may comprehensive and close cooperation between the academic communities of Ukraine and the rest of Europe become a key to an accelerated transformation of the country toward a full-fledged EU member state?

The panel will be attended by:

  • Prof. Ryszard Koziołek – Rector of the University of Silesia;
  • Ganna Tolstanova – Vice-Rector for Research at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv;
  • Iryna Yehorchenko – Instytut Matematyki, Narodowa Akademia Nauk Ukrainy;
  • Patrycja Matusz, PhD, DLitt, Assoc. Prof. – Vice-Rector for Projects and International Relations at the University of Wroclaw
  • Oleksandr Berezko – President of Eurodoc, the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers; Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
  • Iryna Dehtiarowa – Senior Researcher at the Polish Rectors Foundation, Rector’s representative for cooperation with Ukrainian Universities at SGH Warsaw School of Economics.


More information on the event’s website. The detailed programme of the conference can be found on the ESOF2022 website. The registration is free of charge, you can make it via the form. In case of any questions contact us via e-mail at esof@us.edu.pl.

Flaga Ukrainy widziana pod światło. W tle ciemny las i zachmurzone niebo

Photo by Max Kukurudziak | Unsplash

Grafika promująca wydarzenie w języku angielskim. W lewym górnym rogu tytuł wydarzenia. Po prawej lokalizacja wydarzenia: Międzynarodowe Centrum Kongresowe, Ball Room A, godz. 11.15–12.30, 15 lipca 2022 roku. Po prawej logo ESOF 2022. W dolnym rzędzie zdjęcia czterech uczestników spotkania z afiliacją: Ryszard Koziołek, Ganna Tolstanova, Iryna Yechorchenko, Oleksandr Berezko.
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