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University of Silesia in Katowice

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“Clean Odra? Why Not” Project

19.07.2022 - 11:23 update 20.07.2022 - 12:41
Editors: OO

In July 2021, the Silesian Water Centre and the “Why Not” Foundation completed the “Clean Vistula? Why Not” project. As a co-organiser of the endeavour, the University of Silesia took the scientific patronage over the project engaging scientists from various fields: hydrobiologists, hydrologists, chemists, and biologists. The goal of the project was to study water in the Vistula River, the largest wild (unregulated) river in Europe and promote a pro-ecological attitude.

This year, comparative research on the Odra River will be carried out. The kayaking expedition “Clean Odra? Why Not” takes place in the second half of July 2022.

Similarly to last year’s endeavour, the participants aim at a reliable study of water quality along the entire course of the Odra River, which counts approx. 800 km.

The expedition starts on 14 July from Ostrava and is planned to take 10 days. The participants will go down the river on the “Why Not” Foundation kayaks and the University’s research boat “UŚKA II” till they reach the river’s estuary where it meets the Baltic Sea. On their way, water samples will be collected that are to be analysed in an accredited laboratory. Measurements of the physical and chemical parameters of the water will be conducted regularly with the use of multiparameter probes. Perhaps the research results might indicate certain solutions thanks to which water in Odra may become cleaner and consequently safer for all.

na pierwszym planie kajaki, w tle grupa osób

Participants of the expedition | Photo by Why Not Foundation

Uczestnicy spływu wraz z prorektor ds. rozwoju kadry UŚ prof. dr hab. Ewą Jarosz

Participants of the expedition with the Vice-Rector for Staff Development Prof. Ewa Jarosz | Photo by Why Not Foundation

uczestnicy wyprawy wraz z prorektor ds. rozwoju kadry UŚ prof. dr hab. Ewą Jarosz

Participants of the expedition, incl. the Director of the Silesian Water Centre Andrzej Woźnica, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. and the Vice-Rector for Staff Development Prof. Ewa Jarosz | Photo by Why Not Foundation

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