The interview with Prof. Ryszard Koziołek, Rector of the University of Silesia, entitled „Nauka w trybie zdalnym robi z nas pojemniki na informacje” (Distance learning turns us into information-loaded containers) conducted by Magdalena Warchala, was published in Gazeta Wyborcza. In the interview with the journalist, the Rector tells about the plans related to the academic Katowice project, as well as about the importance of science for the region’s development and the possibilities created by the establishment of Science Zone. “Without high-class research infrastructure we will not attract outstanding Polish or international scientists to Silesia, or keep the most talented youth at our universities. […] Without science we will not change the quality and way of living in Silesia.”
The interview also includes questions about the impact of distance learning and home office on our lives. The interview was published on 19 February 2021. It is available online at: