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University of Silesia in Katowice

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School of Science Communication at the University of Silesia

11.06.2024 - 09:23 update 12.06.2024 - 14:31
Editors: katarzynasuchanska

On 3 and 4 of June, the first edition of the School of Science Communication was held at the University of Silesia. A series of workshops concerning science communication was addressed to teachers, students, PhD students and academics. In the spinPLACE building (Centre for Creativity and Coworking), School participants explored the secrets of more effective teaching, popularisation and scientific communication. Passionate hosts taught how to speak so that the content, despite its often high level of difficulty, was understandable and interesting for every recipient.

The course, conducted by playwright, actor and researcher Andrea Brunello (Arditodesio Theatre Company, University of Trento, EUSEA), allowed participants to understand how to tell stories in an attractive way, build tension and create a narrative. Story-telling exercises exemplified how to choose a topic and find the key to your stories.

In turn, a lecturer from the University of Malta—Edward Duca, PhD (Science in the City, EUSEA), in his scientific and artistic programme dedicated to teachers, showed how to create inspiring teaching programmes for schools. He suggested how to motivate students during classes using the technology they are so close to today. His improvisation exercises activated the participants, and the effect was many ideas that can be implemented in everyday life.

The third trainer was David Price (Science Made Simple, EUSEA), who conducted science busking classes. This method explains how to talk about science in an intriguing way that will interest the average passerby. The point is to learn to engage the recipient and find appropriate means that will stimulate their imagination.

Workshops focusing on creative forms of presenting science took place at the University of Silesia for the first time through the European City of Science Katowice 2024 celebrations. Professional trainers provided participants with a large dose of knowledge and practice, presented in an unconventional way.

Similar events will also be organised in the upcoming months.

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