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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Start your journey at the University of Silesia: Matura exam is only the beginning!

11.07.2024 - 16:46 update 12.07.2024 - 16:15
Editors: JW
Tags: #rekrutacja2024, #więcej!

Are you eagerly waiting for the acceptance list? Are you worried about your Matura/secondary school-leaving exam results and you were always dreaming of studying, e.g. exact sciences?

It’s all right, we got you!

Whether you chose science, natural sciences or humanities and social sciences during admission, you will always find a place at the University of Silesia and plenty of opportunities to pursue your passions and interests. Importantly, in case recruitment does not go your way admission committees will have other degree programme suggestions ready for you so that you can still find something similar to your first choice. Remember that you can always ask the admission committee for recommendations. 
Matura exam is only the beginning of your journey – remember to leave some space to learn about yourself during your studies and we’ll make sure to do everything we can to support you all the way!

Information on the admission schedule.

Information about the degree programmes is available at kandydat.us.edu.pl.

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