Due to the need to prepare the site for the construction of the Silesian Interdisciplinary Centre for Chemistry, we would like to inform you of planned changes concerning parking on the USil Katowice campus.
The construction works will be carried out in the central part of the Katowice campus, which will involve temporary inconveniences in the use of this space. Thank you for your patience and understanding. We assure you that every effort will be made to minimise the necessary disruption.
For the duration of the construction work, the car park behind the Rectorate building will be closed down. Accordingly, the following parking solutions have been planned for the USil Katowice campus (information as of 10 March 2025):
- We are introducing a unified parking system for all areas of the Katowice campus (including entry to all car parks via the same card);
- In the first construction phase, the following car parks will be provided as part of a unified parking system at the main Katowice campus:
- Behind the building at ul. Bankowa 12 (Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Humanities of the University of Silesia),
- Around the CINiBA building,
- Behind the building of the USil Faculty of Law and Administration,
- Along ul. Chełkowskiego,
Along ul. prof. Waleriana Pańki (at the height of the CINIBA and the WPiA; this car park will, by virtue of an agreement with the Katowice City Hall, cease to be open to all users and will be transferred to serve the needs of the USil academic community).
The first phase covers the period from 01 April 2025 to 30 April 2025, during which no charges will be levied (charges will start to be levied from 1 May 2025)
IMPORTANT! Existing parking cards will remain active until 30 April 2025. After that, new cards will have to be used once the unified system is implemented.
- More than 520 parking spaces will be made available in the first phase, which will be distributed taking into account past experience of parking occupancy at different days and times. Places will be available on a rotational basis (we assume that the available places can be used by several users during the day).
- On-campus parking will be available for USil employees who purchase a subscription. USil employees interested in the possibility of parking will be able to purchase a subscription for a year with the possibility of semi-annual payment periods. The cost of the subscription was set at PLN 100 per calendar quarter (a total of PLN 400 for the whole year; the amount of the payment made every six months will therefore be 2 x PLN 200). For comparison – current parking rates in Katowice are available at: https://parkowanie.katowice.eu/oplaty-i-kontrole.
- Administrative staff at the University of Silesia who work outside Katowice and who, as part of their job duties, have to drive between campuses (e.g. staff involved in the transmission of correspondence or transport) will be given access to a pool of rotating parking cards allowing them to use the car parks on the Katowice campus.
- USil students interested in parking will eventually be able to purchase subscription cards, which will be billed on an hourly basis. A rate of PLN 4 per hour will be introduced for student cards.
- University of Silesia Foundation Centre for Innovation, Technology Transfer and Development – CITTRFUŚ – will be the operator of all parking spaces at the main Katowice campus (to date it has been the operator of most of the car parks located at the Katowice campus).
- A needs analysis will be carried out among USil staff in the near future to determine interest in using the new parking system on the main Katowice campus.
- Parallel to the parking works, activities are being carried out to support sustainable mobility within the campus, with a particular focus on cyclists. Among other things, measures are planned to enable safe access and storage of bicycles on campus.
In a further phase, new parking spaces will be made available:
- behind the spinPLACE – Centre for Creativity and Coworking (ul. Bankowa 5),
- within the selected automatic car parks on ul. Tylna Mariacka, which are currently being negotiated with the City of Katowice.
A detailed plan of the parking spaces provided is shown on the map. The USil Chancellors Team, as well as Mirosław Kondla, Head of the Real Property Management Department, are available to answer any questions you may have about the planned solutions. Your questions and feedback will help us make any necessary changes to the parking system. We are confident that the solutions worked out together will minimise the inconvenience arising from the construction, which will significantly enrich the academic infrastructure of our University. Please send any comments and questions to usprawnienia@us.edu.pl.