dr Margret [Małgorzata] Grebowicz, prof. UŚ
e-mail: malgorzata.grebowicz@us.edu.pl
Stopnie i tytułu naukowe:
2001 – Without a Knowing Subject: Thought, Responsibility, and the “Future” of Science, Emory University.
Wybrane publikacje:
1. Ecology after Dark : Chernobyl’s Wild Horses and the Traffic in Desire. „Minnesota Review” 2021, iss. 96, s. 56-68.
2. Mountains and Desire: Climbing vs. The End of the World. Repeater, London 2021, 120 ss. ISBN 978-1-912248-93-3.
3. The Animality of Simone Weil: „I Love Dick” and a Nonhuman Politics of the Impersona. Margret Grebowicz, Zachary Low Reyna. „Minnesota Review” 2021, iss. 97, s. 77-94.
Margret Grebowicz, PhD
Associate Professor in the Institute of Culture Studies, the University of Silesia in Katowice
Centre for Critical Technology Studies
ORCID 0000-0002-8333-3438
Research interests:
- feminist epistemology,
- French philosophy,
- Internet pornography,
- political ontology,
- radical democracy,
- visual culture.
Recent publications:
1. Ecology after Dark : Chernobyl’s Wild Horses and the Traffic in Desire. „Minnesota Review” 2021, iss. 96, pp. 56-68.
2. Mountains and Desire: Climbing vs. The End of the World. Repeater, London 2021, 120 pages. ISBN 978-1-912248-93-3.
3. The Animality of Simone Weil: „I Love Dick” and a Nonhuman Politics of the Impersona [co-author Zachary Low Reyna]. „Minnesota Review” 2021, iss. 97, pp. 77-94.
Activity in academic societies:
- International Association for Environmental Philosophy (2015-now), Editorial Board (2020-now).
Editorial Board:
- Radical Politics and Education Series, Bloomsbury Publishing.
- The Trumpeter, Journal of Ecosophy, Athabasca University Press.
- Techniques Journal, Arizona State University.