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Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach

  • Polski
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kwiecień 2024
Instytut Psychologii
Logo Europejskie Miasto Nauki Katowice 2024

Crossing the Borders or Pushing your Limits? Interview with René Henry

13.04.2024 - 14:18 aktualizacja 25.04.2024 - 17:01
Redakcja: michalinailska2

Episode title: Crossing the Borders or Pushing your Limits? Interview with René Henry, PhD Student

Episode Description
Stress is a major problem of many people today, and its effects are widely discussed. The stress connected with moving to a different country is a natural reaction but it can be difficult to live and work with it for a longer period of time. How much stress it still natural and when it becomes unhealthy? Is it possible to help oneself in such situation?

In order to answer these questions our employee – Vira Rudzevych talks with Rene Henry, PhD student – both mental health specialist and a doctoral student from abroad in one person.

The recording shows and explains the experience of fitting in in the new culture and the new place of work, and describes a variety of feelings connected with it. If you want to know how to evaluate your stress level, how to cope with the challenge of moving to a new country and why it is similar to being a child – listen to our podcast.

The podcast was created as a part of the Welcome2US project financed by the National Agency of Academic Exchange as a part of the Welcome to Poland 2022 Programme.

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