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Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach

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luty 2025
Instytut Psychologii
Logo Europejskie Miasto Nauki Katowice 2024

Publikacje w czasopismach naukowych w 2019 roku

  1. Knapik, K., Sieroń, K., Wojtyna, E., Onik, G., Romuk, E., Birkner, E., Stanek, A., Kawczyk-Kupka, A., Plinta, R., Sieroń, A. (2019). Precompetitional weight reduction modifies prooxidative-antioxidative status in judokas. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, article ID: 2164698, 1-9. DOI: 10.1155/2019/2164698.  Impact Factor: 4.868
  2. Białek, M., Paruzel-Czachura, M., Gawronski, B. (2019). Foreign language effects on moral dilemma judgments: An analysis using the CNI model. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 85, 1-8. DOI: Impact Factor: 3.666
  3. Gramaglia, C., Gambaro, E., Delicato, C., Marchetti, M., Sarchiapone, M., Ferrante, D., Roncero, M., Perpina, C., Brytek-Matera, A., Wojtyna, E., Zeppegno, P. (2019). Orthorexia nervosa, eating patterns and personality traits: a cross-cultural comparison of Italian, Polish and Spanish university students. BMC Psychiatry, 19, 235. DOI: 10.1186/s12888-019-2208-2. Impact Factor: 3.302
  4. Rode, D., Rode, M., Marganski, A.J., Januszek, M. (2019). The impact of physical abuse & exposure to parental IPV on young adolescents in Poland: a clinical assessment and comparison of psychological outcomes. Journal of Family Violence, 1-13. Impact Factor: 2.787
  5. Zachurzok, A., Pasztak-Opilka, A., Malecka-Tendera, E. (2019). Is there the relationship between anxiety and depression level and clinical presentation of polycystic ovary syndrome in adolescent girls? Hormone Research in Paediatrics, 91 (suppl. 1), 192. DOI: 10.1159/000501868. Impact Factor: 2.324
  6. Charzyńska, E., Gruszczyńska, E., Heszen-Celińska, I. (2019). The role of forgiveness and gratitude in the quality of life of alcohol-dependent persons. Addiction Research & Theory, 1-10. Impact Factor: 2.319
  7. Pilch, I., Smolorz, K. (2019). The Dark Triad and the quality of sexual life. Personality and Individual Differences, 149, 78-82. DOI: Impact Factor: 1.997
  8. Ślebarska, K., Soucek, R., Moser, K. (2019). Increasing proactive coping in organizational newcomers: Improving job adaptation or rocking the boat? Journal of Career Development, 3, 295-313. DOI: Impact Factor: 1.560
  9. Chudzicka-Czupała, A., Stasiła-Sieradzka, M., Rachwaniec-Szczecińska, Ż., Grabowski, D. (2019). The severity of work-related stress and an assessment of the areas of worklife in the service sector. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, 32(4), 1-16. DOI: Impact Factor: 1.486
  10. Sołtysik, M., Flakus, M., Pudlo, R. (2019). Personality characteristics of mountaineers – review of the literature. Psychiatria Polska, 53(6), 1397–1411. DOI:
  11. Górnik-Durose, M.E. (2019). Deconstructing materialism – towards a better understanding of its connections with well-being. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 50(2), 174–183. DOI: 10.24425/ppb.2019.129450. Full text
  12. Kocur, D., Kwiatkowska, S. (2019). Poczucie i potrzeba władzy u pacjentów cierpiących na schizofrenię. Psychiatria Polska, 53(1), 105–115. Full text
  13. Mandal, E., Wierzchoń, A. (2019). Shyness, self-presentation, adonization and influence tactics in close relationships. Current Issues of Personality Psychology, 7(3), 189-202. DOI: 10.5114/cipp.2019.88276.
  14. Mandal, E., Moroń, M., A. (2019). Contingencies of self-worth and global self-esteem among collegewomen: The role of masculine and feminine traits endorsement. Social Psychology Bulletin, 14(3). DOI: 10.32872/spb.v14i1.33507.
  15. Mandal, E., Kocur, D. ( 2019 ). Possession and subordination to power  in professional relations vs power in close sexual relations, Polish Psychological Bulletin, 50 (4), 326-333.
  16. Friedrich, W. (2019). Zakres badań psychologicznych przeprowadzonych w związku z przesłuchaniem w trybie art. 185a-185c k.p.k na tle uwag ogólnych dotyczących przesłuchania świadków. Przegląd Sądowy, 5/2019, 57-72. Full text
  17. Gregor, K., Banaś, E., Malec., M., Ilska, M., Jagielska, A., Rak, K., Cnota, W., Czuba, B. (2019). Labor anxiety – risk factors and impact on the course of labor, puerperium and neonatal condition. Ginekologia i Położnictwo – Medical Project, 1(51), 009-013. Full text
  18. Brandt-Salmeri, A., Przybyła-Basista, H. (2019).  Depression and marital satisfaction: the mediating role of sexual satisfaction and perceived partner acceptance in women after mastectomy. Health Psychology Report. 2, 121-132.
  19. Jach, Ł. (2019). Scjentoteizm pod lupą. Konstrukcja i własności psychometryczne kwestionariusza do badania aspektów światopoglądu scjentystycznego. Przegląd Psychologiczny, 62, 113-139. Full text
  20. Jach, Ł. (2019). Spotlight on scientotheism. Structure and psychometric properties of the questionnaire for the study of scientistic worldview aspects. The Review of Psychology, 62, 141-165. Full text
  21. Kocur, D. (2019). Wpływ filmu 50 twarzy Greya na postawy wobec praktyk BDSM oraz zachowania seksualne. Seksuologia Polska, 17(1), 16-27. Full text
  22. Brandt-Salmeri, A., Ilska, M., Kołodziej-Zaleska, A. (2019). Body image in women with breast cancer undergoing surgical treatment – a comparative analysis. Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology. Organization and Management Series, 141, 7-24.  DOI:// Full text
  23. Buszman, K. (2019). Social support in a changing world – the importance of online support groups for people suffering from eating disorders. Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology. Organization and Management Series, 141, 33-50. DOI:
  24. Ilska, M., Kołodziej-Zaleska, A., Brandt-Salmeri, A. (2019). Assessment of obstetrician-patient relationship and stress levels experienced by women in healthy pregnancy and pregnancy complicated by maternal or fetal factors. Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology. Organization and Management Series, 141, 115-132. DOI: Full text
  25. Jazłowska, A. (2019). Parental cooperation between mothers and fathers of children with down syndrome. Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology. Organization and Management Series, 141, 133-146. DOI: Full text
  26. Kołodziej-Zaleska, A., Brandt-Salmeri, A., Ilska, M. (2019). The crisis of divorce and the nature of the experienced life changes. Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology. Organization and Management Series, 141, 184-199. DOI:
  27. Szczęsna, A., Przybyła-Basista, H. (2019). Marital dialogue as a constructive response to dissatisfaction in marriage and its predictors. Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology. Organization and Management Series, 141, 405-419. DOI: Full text
  28. Sanecka, E. (2019). Procrastination in blended learning: The role of general self-efficacy, and active and passive procrastination. International Journal of Research in E-learning, 5(2), 49-65. DOI: 10.31261/ijrel.2018.5.2.04

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