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Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach

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  • English
luty 2025
Instytut Psychologii
Logo Europejskie Miasto Nauki Katowice 2024

17 September (Tuesday)

11.00 – 14.00 PRECONFERENCE

Elżbieta Cieplak (UWr): Nie ma jak u babci, czyli po co nam menopauza?

Marek Jankowski (UMK): Twarz okiem dermatologa, czyli jak postrzegamy atrakcyjność

Katarzyna Kaszycka (UAM): Czy istnieją rasy ludzkie?

Marta Kowal (UWr): Jak oddychali nasi przodkowie, czyli o roli oddechu (i tętna) słów kilka

Martyna Molak (UW): Paleogenomika. Co nowego mówi nam DNA zachowany w starych kościach?

Marcin Moroń (UŚ): Ewolucyjnie o wysokiej wrażliwości Michał Pietruszewski

(UWr): Od praprzodków do pacjentów. Ewolucja zdrowia i chorób


15:00 PTNCE’s Board meeting


16.10 – 16.20 Presidential address (PTNCE’s President Bogusław Pawłowski)

16:20 – 17:20 PLENARY LECTURE

prof. Martin Virpi Lummaa (University of Turku, FI)

17.20 – 18.20 SESSION 1 (Parenthood and biological age)

Urszula Marcinkowska (Jagiellonian University), Anna Ziomkiewicz (Jagiellonian University), Anna Apanasewicz (Ludwik Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, Polish Academy of Science), Aleksandra Ciochoń (Jagiellonian University Medical College), Magdalena Mijas (Jagiellonian University Medical College), Magdalena Klimek (Jagiellonian University Medical College), Dariusz P. Danel (Ludwik Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, Polish Academy of Science)

Maternal anxiety and prenatal support predict pregnancy outcomes during the pandemic – evolutionary perspective

Agnieszka Żelaźniewicz (University of Wrocław), Judyta Nowak-Kornicka (University of Wrocław), Bogusław Pawłowski (University of Wrocław)

Androgen receptor sensitivity and biological age markers in men


18 September (Wednesday)

9:00 – 10:00 PLENARY LECTURE

prof. Martin Tovee (Northumbria University, UK)

Visual Cues to judgements of physical attractiveness

10:00 – 11:30 SESSION 2 (Face perception)

Benedict C Jones (University of Strathclyde), Junzhi Dong (University of Strathclyde), Kathlyne Leger (University of Strathclyde), Anthony J Lee (University of Stirling), Alex L Jones (Swansea University), Yasaman Rafiee (University of Strathclyde), Zuzana Elliott (University of Strathclyde), Lisa M DeBruine (University of Glasgow), and Victor Shiramizu (University of Strathclyde)

Consensus in social judgments of faces across world regions is driven by effects of distinctiveness on perceptions of prosociality, rather than effects of masculinity

Petr Tureček (Charles University, Prague), Viktor Černý (Charles University, Prague), Mame Yoro Dialo (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic; Charles University, Prague), Ngoné Cissé (Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar), Šimon Pokorný (Charles University, Prague), and Karel Kleisner (Charles University, Prague)

Violence Triggers Preference for Masculine Faces: Evidence from Senegal

Juan Olvido Perea-García (Leiden University), Daisy Berris (Leiden University), Jingzhi Tan (Leiden University), Mariska E. Kret (Leiden University; Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition)

Psychological effects of perceived pupil size and iris brightness cannot be assessed in isolation

Kasia Skowrońska, Krzysiek Główka, Angelo Delliponti, Ines Adornetti, Alessandra Chiera, Daniela Altavilla, Valentina Deriu, Serena Nicchiarelli, Slawomir Wacewicz, Francesco Ferretti

The role of gaze in the foundations of human pragmatics: two studies


11:30 – 12:00 COFFEE BREAK


12:00 – 13:30 SESSION 3 (Disgust, threats, and danger)

Aleksandra Szymków (SWPS University), Natalia Frankowska (SWPS University), Aleksandra Tołopiło (SWPS University), Jakub Zgutka (SWPS University)

Perceived Similarity, Pathogen Threat, and Social Distance: The Influence of the Behavioral Immune System on Migration Attitudes

Karolina Kasza (University of Silesia), Łukasz Jach (University of Silesia), Mateusz Hohol (Jagiellonian University)

Dangerous means larger. People’s responses about the size of animals depends on whether they are dangerous to humans

Michael Stirrat

Dark Triad, Gaslighting and Depression as an outcome


13:30 – 14:30 LUNCH

14:30 – 16:30 SPEED TALKS SESSION 1 (Beauty, sexual strategies, and reproduction)

Aleksandra Pytlińska

In the presence of an attractive audience, people report lower levels of sociosexual desire

Anna Chmielinska (Wrocław University), Bogusław Pawłowski (Wrocław University)

Perceived attractiveness in women with Hashimoto disease

Ksawery Łakomy (University of Wrocław), Ada Peryga (University of Wrocław), Marta Kowal (University of Wrocław), Jakub Jędrusik (University of Wrocław), Jakub Krasucki (University of Wrocław), Anna Kusztal (University of Wrocław), Maja Nowakowska (University of Wrocław), Julia Szaran (University of Wrocław), Magdalena Kurowska (University of Wrocław), Klaudia Fuławka (University of Wrocław), Aleksandra Nowacka (University of Wrocław), Julia Góreczna (University of Wrocław), Marta Tarasiewicz (University of Wrocław), Grzegorz Jankiewicz (University of Wrocław), Amelia Ciniawska (University of Wrocław), Piotr Jędrusik (University of Wrocław)

The beauty acitivisation’s impact on one’s behaviour – study relation

Justyna Kajstura (University of Wroclaw), Bogusław Pawłowski (University of Wroclaw)

New method to assess sexual strategy in humans

Šárka Kaňková (Charles University), Daniela Dlouhá (Charles University, Prague), Jana Ullmann (Charles University)

Disgust sensitivity before and after conception: longitudinal study

Katarzyna Galasinska (SWPS University), Aleksandra Szymków (SWPS University), Jachlewski (SWPS University), Aleksandra Tolopilo (SWPS University), Michał Olszanowski (SWPS University)

Creative thinking peaks during ovulation: A by-product of physiological arousal

Daniela Dlouhá (Charles University), Josef Včelák (Department of Molecular Endocrinology, Institute of Endocrinology), Šárka Kaňková (Charles University)

The association between disgust sensitivity and serum cytokine levels in women: Links to the behavioral immune system and psychological disorders

Paula Bartecka, Magdalena Klimek, Ilona Nenko, Andrzej Galbarczyk, Grazyna Jasienska (Jagiellonian University Medical College)

A good or a bad gene? Genetic polymorphism of apolipoprotein E and self-rated health in postmenopausal women




18:30 – 20:00 Reception party (SpinPLACE; Bankowa 5, Katowice)


19 September (Thursday)

9:00 – 10:00 PLENARY LECTURE

prof. Jenny Tung (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, DE)

A proper study for mankind: understanding the human condition through the lens of other primates

10:00 – 11:00 SESSION 4 (Behavior, mobility, and cooperation)

Thurston Cleveland Hicks

The first partial ethogram of the Eastern chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) of Chinko, southeastern CAR

Martyna Molak (University of Warsaw)

Should I stay or should I go now? Mobility of ancient humans goes personal

Theresa Matzinger (University of Vienna), Klaudia Karkowska (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń), Darya Namednikava (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń), Marek Placiński (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń), Michael Pleyer (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń)

The relationship between non-verbal alignment and cooperativeness in a game theory-based TV show


11:00 – 11:30 COFFEE BREAK

11:30 – 13:30 SPEED TALKS SESSION 2 (Environmental contexts of evolutionary processes)

Slavomíra Jusková (University of Presov), Grazyna Liczbinska (Adam Mickiewicz University), Martin Hromada (University of Presov), Lukasz Jankowiak (University of Szczecin), Anna Kubicka (Poznan University of Life Sciences), Piotr Tryjanowski (Poznan University of Life Sciences: Technical University of Munich), Peter Mikula (Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague; Technical University of Munich), Rajesh K Gautam (Dr. H.S. Gour University, Sagar)

The Impact of Climatic and Socioeconomic Factors on the Age of Menarche in Girls in India

Jan Toman (Charles University), Jaroslav Flegr (Charles University)

Sex-Specific Influence of Latent Toxoplasmosis on Reaction Times: A Case-Control Study

Michal M. Stefanczyk (University of Wroclaw)

Trypophobic reactions depend on a context the clusters of holes are presented in

Anna Mucha (University of Silesia), Anita Pollak (University of Silesia), Ewa Wojtyna (University of Silesia; University of Opole)

Evolutionary Concepts and the Healing Properties of Virtual Nature for Mental Well-being

Jan Havlíček (Charles University), Dagmar Schwambergová (Charles University), Marie Štěpánková (Charles University), Daniel Mazánek (Charles University), Kateřina Roberts (Charles University), Lenka Martinec Nováková (Charles University), Jitka Třebická Fialová (Charles University), Lucie Jelínková (Charles University), Šárka Kaňková (Charles University)

Possible sex differences in disgust in preschool children

Peter Kutsos (Charles University), Petr Tureček (Charles University)

Should researchers imitate each other more? An examination of the consistency of use of the terms “imitation” and “emulation” in the scientific literature

Laura Gillet (Department of Ethology, ELTE), Enikő Kubinyi (Department of Ethology, ELTE)

Caring for a dog like a child? Exploring the child-like role of dogs in a multinational sample


13:30 – 14:30 LUNCH


Marta Kowal (University of Wroclaw)

The pursuit of beauty: Understanding the who, why, and how intensely from a cross-cultural perspective






20:00 – 22.00 GALA DINER (Zaklęty Czardasz Restaurant; Kopernika 9, Katowice


20 September (Friday)

9:00 – 10:00 PLENARY LECTURE

prof. Greg Bryant (UCLA Department of Communication, USA)

The evolution of human laughter

10:00 – 11:00 SESSION 5 (Non-verbal communication, vocalization, and language)

Łukasz Piotr Pawelec (Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences), Anna Lipowicz (Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences)

Relationships between voice features and body build and composition in Polish men and women

Kasia Pisanski (University of Saint Étienne; University of Lyon; University of Wrocław), David Reby (University of Saint Étienne), Anna Oleszkiewicz (University of Wrocław; Technische Universitaet Dresden)

Do humans need to learn how to produce emotional vocalizations?

Marta Sibierska (Nicolaus Copernicus University), Przemysław Żywiczyński (Nicolaus Copernicus University), Marek Placiński (Nicolaus Copernicus University)

Linguistic Niche Hypothesis in Language Evolution: A Review


11:00 – 11:30 COFFEE BREAK

11:30 – 12:30 SESSION 6 (Evolutionary perspectives in various problems (music, cultural transmission, global comparisons)

Piotr Podlipniak (Adam Mickiewicz University)

The Baldwin effect and neural repurposing as driving forces in the evolution of conceptual primitives in music

Lukáš Kratochvíl (Charles University), Jan Havlíček (Charles University)

The fallacy of global comparisons based on per capita measures

Pavlína Hillerová (Charles University), Matěj Jirout (Charles University), Petr Tureček (Charles University)

Cultural transmission shows signs of adaptive fine-tuning


12:30 – 13:00 CLOSING CEREMONY




Łukasz Strzelczyk (SWPS University)

God is watching you. Exploring the impact of religiousness priming on prosocial behavior

Dawid Mikulski (SWPS University), Wiktoria Majewska (SWPS University), Aleksandra Szymków (SWPS University)

Protecting Children: Is the Behavioral Immune System (BIS) Related to Overprotective Parenting?

Liliana Janáková (Charles University), Sára Szekeresová (Charles University), Denisa Táborská (Charles University), Johana Vtípilová (Charles University), Zuzana Pajtošová (Charles University), Eliška Kabelíková (Charles University), L’uboslava Švajková (Charles University), Lucie Zedníková (Charles University), Zuzana Štěrbová (Charles University)

50 Shades of Red: The Intersection of Personality and Blushing Perception

Paulina Cebulak(University of Wrocław), Agnieszka Żelaźniewicz (University of Wrocław), Judyta Nowak-Kornicka (University of Wrocław), and Bogusław Pawłowski (University of Wrocław)

Homocysteine and inflammatory markers levels and reaction time in middle-aged men

Karolina Gruza (University of Wroclaw), Wioleta Umławska (University of Wroclaw), Katarzyna Pawłowska-Seredyńska (University of Wroclaw), Irena Porębska (Lower Silesian Center of Oncology, Pulmonology and Hematology in Wroclaw)

Assessment of nutritional status and face proportions in people diagnosed with sleep apnea syndrome and in those showing symptoms of this condition

Aleksandra Tołopiło (SWPS University), Natalia Frankowska (SWPS University), Michał Olszanowski (SWPS University), Aleksandra Szymków (SWPS University)

In-group Similarity Preferences in Mate Selection: The Role of the Behavioral Immune System

Anna Szala (Polish Academy of Sciences; Nicolaus Copernicus University), Juan Olvido Perea García (Nicolaus Copernicus University), Elif Duran (International School for Advanced Studies), Michelle Spierings (Leiden University), Theresa Matzinger (University of Vienna), and Sławomir Wacewicz (Nicolaus Copernicus University)

Eye contact with conspecifics with scleral depigmentation elicits reduced rate of contact calls in pygmy marmosets (Cebuella pygmaea)

Sławomir Wacewicz (Nicolaus Copernicus University), Zdzisław Lewandowski (Wroclaw University of Health and Sport Sciences), Dariusz Danel (Ludwik Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, Polish Academy of Sciences), Juan Olvido Perea Garcia (Nicolaus Copernicus University)

„Apemen Faces” – database of artificially generated faces of 'generalised hominins’

Baltazar Kaczmarzyk (University of Silesia), Wiktora Liszka (University of Silesia), Alicja Mazur (University of Silesia), Mateusz Mendrok (University of Silesia), Janusz Pach (University of Silesia),

Emilia Rduch (University of Silesia), Ewa Rypel (University of Silesia), Emilia Warchałowska (University of Silesia), Klaudia Zasucha (University of Silesia), Łukasz Jach (University of Silesia)

„So scary, so true!”. Relationships between opinions about horror movies, morbid curiosity, paranormal beliefs, and life history strategies

Ksenia Krotofil (University of Silesia), Wiktor Łuniewski (University of Silesia), Alicja Mazur (University of Silesia), Emilia Rduch (University of Silesia), Łukasz Jach (University of Silesia)

„Disarming jokes”. Relationships between humor, the Dark Triad traits, and styles of resolving couple conflicts

Saeed RezvaniNejad (Charles University), Adel Bazram (Allameh Tabatabai University), Martin Hula (Charles University)

Beyond the Prospect: Examining the Factors That Influence Sleep Location Preferences

Gabriela Chlebowska (University of Opole), Iga Waluszewska (University of Opole), Antoni Borowiec (University of Opole), Marta Sztuka (University of Opole), Agata Kawalec (University of Opole)

Sex differences in the anatomy learning methods – preliminary results of the anonymous study realized among medical students

Mikołaj Kuczmarski (SWPS University), Marta Kuczmarska (SWPS University), Paulina Lenko (SWPS University), Katarzyna Sobek (SWPS University), Aleksandra Szymków (SWPS University)

What is the awe for? Awe as a social hierarchy reinforcement emotion

Boruta-Żywiczyńska Monika (Nicolaus Copernicus University), Karkowska Klaudia (Nicolaus Copernicus University), Żywiczyński Przemysław (Nicolaus Copernicus University)

Gesture and stress regulation: self-touches as coping mechanisms. A theoretical review

Zuzanna Schneider (University of Silesia), Marcin Moroń (University of Silesia)

Are you going to manipulate me? Facial makeup and attribution of manipulativeness

Jakub Fořt, Dominika Benešová, Petr Freudenfeld, Jaroslava V. Valentova, Jan Havlíček

Exploring the Interplay of Sexual Orientation, Gender Nonconformity, and Psychological Well-being and Self-Esteem

Vojtěch Fiala (Charles University, Prague; Nicolaus Copernicus University), Karel Kleisner (Charles University), Przemyslaw Żywiczyński (Nicolaus Copernicus University), Petr Tureček (Charles University; Czech Academy of Sciences), Slawomir Wacewicz (Nicolaus Copernicus University), Zuzana Štěrbová (Charles University), Theresa Matzinger (University of Vienna)

Different culture, similar view: Congruence in eye colour perception in WEIRD and non-WEIRD samples

Benešová Jana (Charles University), Hill Martin (Institute of Endocrinology), Roberts Kateřina (Charles University), Velíková Marta (Institute of Endocrinology), Kaňková Šárka (Charles University)

Association of Endogenous Steroids with Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy: Insights from a Longitudinal Prospective Study

Jana Ullmann (Charles University), Šárka Kaňková (Charles University), Jaroslav Flegr (Charles University)

Effects of long-term infections with Toxoplasma gondii and Cytomegalovirus on changes in intelligence – a longitudinal study

Natalia Frankowska (SWPS University), Aleksandra Szymkow (SWPS University), Andrzej Galbarczyk (Jagiellonian University Medical College)

Oral sex may serve as low mate value compensation among men:  Evidence from a preregistered study






Vojtěch Fiala (Nicolaus Copernicus University), Petr Tureček (Charles University; Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague), Zuzana Štěrbová (Charles University), Slawomir Wacewicz (Nicolaus Copernicus University)

Facial characterisation is culture dependent, but social media use matters, too

Jakub Krasucki (University of Wrocław)

“My sheep listen to my voice!”: How men’s storytelling and public speaking abilities relate to their charisma, leadership competence, and policy control – an evolutionary approach

Julia Zaborowska (Nicolaus Copernicus University), Mahzad Berenji (Nicolaus Copernicus University), and Antoni J. Żyndul (Nicolaus Copernicus University)

Emojis on, Gen Z! The Grammatical Roles and Placement Patterns of Emojis in Computer-Mediated Communication of Generation Z

Ádám Putz (University of Pécs), Adrián Fehér (University of Pécs), Ferenc Kocsor (University of Pécs), Andrea Czibor (University of Pécs), Szabolcs Ajtony Bandi (University of Pécs), Dorian Vida (University of Pécs), Viktor Márton Kemény (University of Pécs), Gyöngyvér Csapó (University of Pécs), András Láng (University of Pécs)

The Impact of Mind Perception and Machiavellianism in an Inter-Group Social Dilemma Game

Wiktoria Majewska (SWPS University), Dawid Mikulski (SWPS University), Julia Sachar (SWPS University), Magdalena Iwan (SWPS University), Justyna Zaucha (SWPS University)

Embracing well-being: Does the frequency of touch relate to our well-being?

Jakub Zgutka (SWPS University), Joanna Sweklej (SWPS University)

Authoritarianism like any other: testing the authoritarianism symmetry hypothesis from the evolutionary perspective

Lenka Martinec Nováková (National Institute of Mental Health), Dagmar Schwambergová (National Institute of Mental Health), Iveta Hocko Fajnerová (National Institute of Mental Health), Jan Havlíček (National Institute of Mental Health)

Are beliefs that one emits an unpleasant body odour associated with odour sensitivity and olfactory abilities?

Wioletta Czernicka (University of Wrocław), Elżbieta Cieplak (University of Wrocław)

Assessment of attractiveness of same-sex individuals with different BMI and body parameters and self-esteem of the assessor

Marek Jankowski (Nicolaus Copernicus University), Agnieszka Goroncy (Nicolaus Copernicus University)

Breast ptosis: investigation of age of onset and related quality of life

Konrad Budzyński

Individual interests in pair of friends – diadic analysis

Monika Kwiek (Jagiellonian University)

An Evolutionary Perspective on Collective Narcissism: Enhancing Reproductive Fitness through Creating an Image of Group Superiority

Urzszula Kurysz (University of Wrocław), Elżbieta Cieplak (University of Wrocław), Monika Krzyżanowska (University of Wrocław)

Which students do parents prefer – parental investments in adult offspring

Maja Pietras (University of Wroclaw), Łukasz Piotr Pawelec (Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences), Monika Krzyżanowska (University of Wroclaw), Anna Lipowicz (Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences)

Discriminant analysis of postmenopausal women’s voices in the context of the evolutionary significance of voice pitch as a signal of strong sexual dimorphism

Michael Pleyer (Nicolaus Copernicus University), Svetlana Kuleshova (Nicolaus Copernicus University; Université Paris Nanterre)

Braided Streams and Weakly Structured Stems: What are the Implications of New Models of Human Evolution for the Emergence of Language?

Adrián Fehér (University of Pécs), Ádám Putz (University of Pécs), Anita Deák (University of Pécs), Orsolya Inhóf (University of Pécs), Norbert Meskó (University of Pécs), András Norbert Zsidó (University of Pécs), Béla Birkás (University of Pécs), Botond László Kiss (University of Pécs), Cintia Bali (University of Pécs), Réka Rendes (University of Pécs), Julia Basler (University of Pécs), Tamás Bereczkei (University of Pécs)

Patterns of Cooperation: Behavioral Dynamics in an Inter-Group Social Dilemma

Vojtěch Fiala (Charles University; Nicolaus Copernicus University), Petr Tureček (Charles University; Charles University and Czech Academy of Sciences), Slawomir Wacewicz (Nicolaus Copernicus University), Zuzana Štěrbová (Charles University), S. Adil Saribay (Kadir Has University), Juan David Leongómez (Universidad El Bosque), Ondřej Pavlovič (Charles University), Robert Mbe Akoko (University of Buea), and Karel Kleisner (Charles University)

Preferred human eye phenotype in different cultures

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