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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Announcement on the organisation of education process in the winter semester 2020/2021

03.08.2020 - 16:53 update 19.04.2022 - 10:34
Editors: MJ
Tags: announcements

Katowice, 31 July 2020


Organisation of education process in the winter semester 2020/2021


Ladies and Gentlemen,

due to the fact that the pandemic continues, epidemiological situation is still potentially dangerous, and we are still bound by the strict guidelines of the Chief Sanitary Inspector concerning in-person classes, we assume that a majority of classes in the upcoming semester will be conducted remotely, i.e. with the use of distance learning methods and techniques. In the context of our current knowledge about the epidemiological risk, this means that:

  1. all lectures, language courses and computer labs will be carried out remotely;
  2. I recommend conducting the following types of classes remotely: practical classes, project-based classes, proseminars, seminars, tutorials, subject to the below described cases;
  3. I recommend conducting the following types of classes in-person: laboratories, field practice, internships and workshops.

Restrictions in the University operation will particularly affect the new students. In order to provide them, at least partly, with the opportunity of physical presence at the University, getting to know the academic circle and integration with other students, we assume that some classes at each study programme will be carried out in-person, even if all modules could be conducted remotely.

Online trainings in the field of applicable safety rules will be organised for students at the beginning of the academic year. Additionally, special remote trainings and integration meetings will be organised for the first-year students. Due to this, classes for first-year students are planned to begin on 12 October, whereas for other students on 5 October.

While planning the organisation of classes, we are aware of the existence of high risk groups among employees and students of the University that require special protection (taking into consideration their age and accompanying health disorders).  Therefore, we provide for the possibility of remote-only work and studies both for the employees and students.

The above assumptions have been prepared on the basis of the currently applicable legal statues and analysis of the epidemic progress. Both will definitely be changing, so we have to be prepared for flexible action also during the semester. I believe that, similarly to the recent months, in the upcoming period we will also be jointly working on the continuity of education in this difficult time.


With warm regards,
Prof. Ryszard Koziołek
Rector-Elect of the University of Silesia



Guidelines of the Chief Sanitary Inspector due to partial restoration of University operation (pdf)

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