The consortium consisting of: University of Silesia in Katowice – project leader, SPIN-US Sp. z o.o., a special purpose vehicle of the University and Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce will jointly implement the project entitled ‘Innovation Incubator 4.0’. The programme is intended to support the process of managing the results of scientific research and implementation work in the field of commercialisation. The amount of over PLN 2 million will be allocated for the implementation of these duties, including PLN 1.9 million of funding granted by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
Overall, 32 applicants will receive funding in this year’s edition of the competition. The agreements will be signed with 24 highest evaluated entities in the first place (this group includes the consortium of University of Silesia – SPIN US and Jan Kochanowski University), whereas 8 applicants are included on the reserve list.
Implementation of the programme is to contribute to promoting scientific achievements, increasing their impact on the development of innovation and strengthening cooperation between the scientific community and economic environment. For this purpose, the consortium involving our University is planning a number of tasks that allow for synergy of actions, exchange of experiences and good practices, networking of research teams, as well as use of organisational potential of the special purpose vehicle. The tasks include:
- preparation of commercialisation projects including the analysis of market potential of inventions and their implementation readiness, as well as valuation of industrial property rights.
- initiation and reinforcement of cooperation with economic environment, promotion of technological offer and participation in industry fairs and conferences,
- carrying out pre-implementation work, including additional laboratory tests or adaptation of inventions for the purpose of interested purchasers,
- technology porftolio management, including monitoring and analysing:
- results of scientific research or development work in terms of its practical utility,
- market needs in this regard and current state-of-the-art,
- evaluation of commercialising potential and possibility of obtaining patent protection,
- as well as involvement of innovation brokers initiating cooperation with economic environment and supporting the process of commercialising the results of scientific research and development work in specific market solutions.
The programme implemented by the University can be used by academics, doctoral students and students. The activities carried out as part of the project are consistent with the list of National Smart Specialisations (KIS1 – KIS 14).
Detailed information about the project are provided by the Industry Cooperation Office.
phone no. +48 32 359 20 81, +48 32 359 23 36
photo by UX Indonesia / Unsplash
fot. UX Indonesia / Unsplash