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University of Silesia in Katowice

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University of Silesia for Christmas

15.12.2020 - 10:45 update 18.03.2022 - 08:47
Editors: MJ
Tags: UŚ świątecznie

The Christmas subpage www.us.edu.pl/uczelnia/us-swiatecznie was created for those whom we will not be able to meet during the annual Christmas concert. On the “University of Silesia for Christmas” website you can find Christmas wishes from the Rector and Vice-Rectors, downloadable Christmas cards, audiobook prepared by Egida Student Radio based on “A Christmas Carol”  by Charles Dickens, as well as Christmas music playlists.

We wanted the Christmas spirit to visit our houses thanks to this new website of the University of Silesia. We hope that the shared materials will bring smiles to the faces of your family and friends.

Na białym tle znajduje się pięć choinek. Pomiędzy dwiema choinkami narysowany jest chłopiec, który siedzi na sznurku. Na dole stoi odwrócona tyłem dziewczynka trzymająca sznurek, z którego po prawej stronie układa się napis Wesołych Świąt

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