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University of Silesia in Katowice

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EuroScience Open Forum 2024: we are extending the call for applications!

02.02.2024 - 14:32 update 02.02.2024 - 14:32
Editors: OO

The call for abstracts for the EuroScience Open Forum 2024 has been extended until 12 February 2024. We invite those of you who have not managed to submit your abstracts to apply. Those interested in participating are encouraged to visit our website (https://www.esof.eu/call-for-applications) and read the guidelines for abstract submission to ESOF2024.

The EuroScience Open Forum is a biennial meeting designed to offer the scientific community a platform for interdisciplinary and intersectional debate about scientific culture, scientific research, and innovation. It is created for the society’s benefit and carried out with the society’s participation.

ESOF2024 is centred around the six main areas corresponding to the biggest challenges science is currently facing:

  • Energy Transition,
  • Sustainable Environment,
  • Cultural Identity and Societal Transformation,
  • Changes Within Scientific Excellence,
  • Healthy Society,
  • Digital Transformation.

Detailed information on the conference can be found on www.esof.eu.

ESOF2024: Termin nadsyłania abstraktów 12 lutego 2024

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