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University of Silesia in Katowice

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USil team in the final of the Polish Academic Handball Championships

23.05.2024 - 15:34 update 28.05.2024 - 09:51
Editors: OO

From 16 to 19 May 2024, a competition was held during which the handball team from the University of Silesia in Katowice advanced to the final of the Polish Academic Handball Championships.

The semi-final tournament matches were organised in Siemianowice Śląskie by USil University Sports Association. In the final classification of the semi-final, the team from the University of Silesia took second place, just behind the players from the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin. Representatives of 15 universities from all over Poland took part in the tournament.

Our University’s players stood out on the court with their bravery and commitment. Keeper Oliwia Wolak was recognised as the best keeper of the tournament, and Dominika Krzysteczko as the best scorer.

After such a successful start, the team from the University of Silesia is preparing for the final tournament, which will be held in Opole on 6–9 June 2024.

Drużyna piłkarek ręcznych z UŚ

USil handball team | Photo by Sebastian Korus

Oliwia Wolak – najlepsza bramkarka turnieju

Oliwia Wolak – the best keeper of the tournament | Photo by Sebastian Korus

Dominika Krzysteczko – najlepsza strzelczyni turnieju

Dominika Krzysteczko – the best scorer of the tournament | Photo by Sebastian Korus

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