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University of Silesia in Katowice

Logo European City of Science 2024

Architectural accessibility: 

Katowice, ul. Bankowa 12


Accessibility of the entrance to the building and control area

The main entrance to the building is located on the side of the promenade on ul. Bankowa.
The access to the building is flat and made of cobblestone.
Near the entrance to the building are stairs, which can be skipped through the ramp. The ramp surface is made of pavement plates and anti-slippery tiles.

The entrance door to the building is glazed and labelled with contrast at the eyesight level. It opens automatically.

Behind the door is a rubber wiper permanently fixed into the floor.
There is monitoring in the building.
Behind the entrance to the building on the ground floor on the right is the porter’s lodge. The employee provides information about the location of rooms in the building.

Accessibility of corridors, stairs and elevators

The corridors are separated with fire doors that are hard to open. The door is glazed but labelled with contrast at the eyesight level.
The building consists of three floors which can be accessed by lift and broad staircases.

The lift is located at the end of the left corridor (looking from the entrance to the building).
The lift door is sliding, opened automatically, and glazed, with a width of 90 cm. The lift interior has the height of 200 cm, the length is 210 cm. Inside the lift there is a mirror and handrails at a height of 105 cm. The lift is equipped with buttons labelled in a tactile manner – the convex digits and Braille alphabet labels. The lift has a system enabling voice communication with the porter’s lodge.

The lift does not emit voice messages about the floor number where it stopped.

Types of adjustments inside the building

Behind the entrance there are boards informing about the layout of rooms in the building.
All rooms are labelled with boards with numbers. The numbering of rooms is intuitive – the first digit indicates the level number. Above the door handles is additional tactile-read labelling – convex Arabic numerals and characters printed in Braille alphabet.

Additionally, a board informing about the posts and tasks of people working there has been placed on the top, on the right side of each door. This information is also coded under the QR code available on the board.

There are publicly available toilets in the building on each floor.
The toilet with facilities for people with disabilities is located on the ground floor of the building on the right side from the main entrance to the building.

The porter’s lodge is fitted with an audio induction loop making it easier to hear using a hearing aid.

Piktogram pętli indukcyjnej/audio induction loop sign

Parking places designated for persons with disabilities and exploitation thereof

There are 4 parking spaces for the disabled near the building. You can access them from the side of ul. Uniwersytecka.

The blue parking spaces can only be used by the individuals authorised on general terms specified in the provisions concerning the parking card for the disabled.

The rules of payment for parking in these spaces are defined by the City of Katowice.

Contact data of the person who can provide more information about the building accessibility:

Monika Michalska, e-mail: monika.michalska@us.edu.pl, tel. 32 359 11 60.

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