Monika Glosowitz, PhD, from the USil Faculty of Humanities has become a member of the international research network called DePOT – Deindustrialization and the Politics of Our Time; the network investigates the political responses to deindustrialisation processes, their historical contexts, and the daily experiences of communities around the world related to these changes. Its primary goal is to examine the causes, effects and legacies of deindustrialisation from comparative and transnational perspectives.
DePOT is a global network consisting of 35 research centres, industrial museums, labour archives and other European, Canadian and American organisations.
Monika Glosowitz, PhD, has been invited to join the research activities after presenting her project during the ‘Gender, Family and Deindustrialisation’ conference taking place in June 2024 in Glasgow. As a research associate, she will expand her Diaries of Women from Mining Families in interdisciplinary and transnational perspectives.
More information on the DePOT website.
Monika Glosowitz, PhD | Photo by Aleksandra Kubica