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University of Silesia in Katowice

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77th Meeting of the Ecological Thinking Club

02.09.2022 - 12:02, update 12.09.2022 - 14:28
Editors: katarzynasuchanska

The guest of the 77th meeting of the Ecological Thinking Club will be Marcin Popkiewicz – the author of bestsellers such as “Świat na rozdrożu” (“World at Crossroads”), “Rewolucja energetyczna. Ale po co?” (“Energy Revolution. But what for?”), and “Zrozumieć transformację energetyczną” (“Understanding Energy Transformation”). Founder and editor of the websites naukaoklimacie.pl and ziemianarozdrozu.pl. Winner of the main prize “Dziennikarze dla klimatu 2015” (Journalists for Climate), and “Economicus 2016” for the best book spreading knowledge on economy, and “Promotor Energetyki Odnawialnej 2016” (Renewable energy Promoter). In 2017, together with the editorial team of the “Nauka o Klimacie” he won the “Popularizer of Science” award granted by Ministry of Science and Higher Education and Polish Press Agency. In 2022 he received an award “Education on Sustainable Development Leader” of the Forbes magazine. Chair of the Monitoring Committee for European Green Deal projects at the National Centre for Research and Development.

The topic of the meeting will be energy transformation.

The event will be accompanied by the promotion of the guest’s latest book: “Zrozumieć transformację energetyczną” (“Understanding Energy Transformation”) (Published by Sonia Draga Post factum, 2022).

The meeting will take place in Zagłębiowska Mediateka (ul. Kościelna 11, Sosnowiec).

The event is organised by Ecological Thinking Club, Metropolis GZM, University of Silesia in Katowice and Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Silesia.

The media patronage over the event is exercised by, inter alia, “Gazeta Uniwersytecka UŚ” (University of Silesia Magazine).

Details are available on Facebook.

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