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University of Silesia in Katowice

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European Congress of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

17.11.2022 - 09:46, update 25.11.2022 - 14:02
Editors: katarzynasuchanska

The European Congress of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises takes place between 20 and 22 November 2022 at the International Congress Centre in Katowice. The initiative has been organised since 2011 and it covers the current problems and other issues related to entrepreneurship. The University of Silesia in Katowice is a contents partner.

The Congress is a venue for discussions and debates with representatives of the European Commission and the European Parliament, the highest state authorities, ministries and government agencies, local government officials, the world of science and culture, as well as the business community.

The University of Silesia will be represented by:

  • Prof. Ryszard Koziołek, Rector of the University of Silesia, lecture: ‘Nauka nowym przemysłem Śląska’ [Science – a new industry of Silesia], 21 November, 11.30 a.m.; debate „Silesia – Land of Opportunity”, 21 November at 12–12.45 p.m.;
  • Rafał Muster, PhD, DLitt, Assoc. Prof., Institute of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, debate ‘Regres czy progres śląskiego rynku pracy?’ [Regress or progress of the Silesian job market], 21 November at 11.30 a.m. – 13 p.m.;
  • Prof. Jadwiga Glumińska-Pawlic, Faculty of Law and Administration, lecture inaugurating the panel ‘Jak naprawić Polski Ład – rozważania z perspektywy doradcy podatkowego’ [How to fix the Polish Deal – view of a tax adviser], 22 November at 10.20–10.40 a.m..

You have to register via ekmsp.eu/register to take part in the conference.

All the details are available on the event’s main website.

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