The 66th edition of the Klub Myśli Ekologicznej (Ecological Thinking Club) will take place on Monday, 15 March 2021 at 17.30, and will feature Assoc. Prof. Łukasz Łuczaj, Professor of the University of Rzeszów, ethnobotanist, plant ecologist and populariser of wild gardens.
The interview will be hosted by Prof. Piotr Skubała (Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Silesia) and Ryszard Kulik, PhD, (Workshop for All Beings). The meeting will be broadcast on Facebook and on YouTube.
Assoc. Prof. Łukasz Łuczaj, Professor of the University of Rzeszów is the Head of the Department of Botany of the Faculty of Biotechnology at the University of Rzeszów, the author of books “Dzikie rośliny jadalne Polski: przewodnik survivalowy” (Wild Edible Plants of Poland), “Podręcznik robakożercy” (The Handbook of Wormeater), “W dziką stronę” (Into the Wild Side), “Seks w wielkim lesie” (Sex in the forest) and the editor of the monograph “Dzikie rośliny jadalne” (Wild edible plants). He also hosts the show “Dziki obiad Łukasza Łuczaja” (Łukasz Łuczaj’s Wild Cuisine), broadcast on the KUCHNIA+ channel, in which he shares his extensive knowledge on the various types of wild plants and herbs, and also cooks using them. In the past he has collaborated with the former Faculty of Ethnology of the University of Silesia in Cieszyn.
The event is organised by: the Ecological Thinking Club, the Metropolis GZM and the University of Silesia in Katowice.