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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Seminar on the new concept of studies at the University of Silesia.

24.03.2022 - 12:30, update 28.03.2022 - 12:39
Editors: katarzynasuchanska

On 29 March at 4.00 p.m. the fourth seminar in the series of talks about the new concept of studies at the University of Silesia will be held.

The guests of the meeting will be Prof. Jerzy Hausner, who will give a lecture on “Splatając na nowo, to co uniwersyteckie” [Re-weaving all that’s university] and Prof. Przemysław Czapliński, whose topic of the speech will be “Idea Uniwersytetu czy Uniwersytet-Idea” [Idea of the University of the University-Idea].

Prof. Jerzy Hausner, economist, the Chair of the Open Eyes Economy Summit Counsel and the Counsel of Foundation for Economy and Public Administration, former Vice-Prime Minister and the Minister of Economy, Labour and Social Policy, member of Parliament in 2001-2005, member of the Monetary Policy Council of the 3rd term, correspondent member of the Polish Academy of Learning, winner of the following awards: Kisiel, Władysław Grabski and Edward Lipiński, honorary doctorate of the Warsaw School of Economics in Warsaw. 

Prof. Przemysław Czapliński is a historian of Polish and European literature of the 20th and 21st centuries, essayist, translator and critic. Co-founder of the Department of Anthropology of Literature (AMU), director of the Center for Open Humanities (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań), member of the editorial board of the “Teksty Drugie” magazine. His latest publications:  “Poruszona mapa” [Moved map] (2016), “Literatura i jej natura” [Literature and its nature] (2017; co-authors: Joanna B. Bednarek, Dawid Gostyński),  “O jeden las za daleko. Demokracja, kapitalizm i nieposłuszeństwo ekologiczne w Polsce” [One forest too far. Democracy, capitalism and ecological disobedience in Poland] (co-editors: J.B. Bednarek, D. Gostyński; 2019), “Tożsamość po pogromie. Świadectwa i interpretacje Marca ’68” [Identity after the pogrom. Testimonies and interpretations of March ‘68] (co-editor: Alina Molisak, Warsaw 2019),”Znaki katastrofy, spacje ocalenia. O twórczości W.G. Sebalda” [Signs of a catastrophe, spaces of savation. About the work of W.G. Sebald] (co-editor: Katarzyna Kończal, Warsaw 2020).

The seminar will be broadcast online on YouTube.

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