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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Meeting with Rev. Prof. Janusz Mariański

10.01.2023 - 11:56, update 17.01.2023 - 12:45
Editors: katarzynasuchanska

Rev. Prof. Janusz Mariański, a distinguished sociologist, doctor honoris causa of the University of Silesia, will be a guest at the meeting organised by the Faculty of Theology of the University of Silesia in Katowice. The event will take place on 18 January 2023 (Wednesday) at 5.00 p.m. in the lecture hall of the Faculty of Theology (ul. Jordana 18, Katowice).

In recent years, Rev. Prof. Janusz Mariański published, among others, monographs ‘Scenariusze przemian religijności i Kościoła katolickiego w społeczeństwie polskim. Studium diagnostyczno-prognostyczne’ [‘Scenarios of changes in religiousness and the Catholic Church in Polish society. Diagnostic and prognostic study’] (2021), ‘Pluralizm społeczno-kulturowy jako megatrend a religijność i moralność’ [‘Socio-cultural pluralism as a megatrend vs. religiousness and morality’] (2022); ‘Godność ludzka i wychowanie progodnościowe. Refleksje socjologa’ [‘Human dignity and pro-dignity education. Reflections of a sociologist’] (2022). During the meeting, the guest will present the results of the latest research on the  religiousness of Polish youth.

Also taking part in the conversation will be: Rev. Pawel Prüfer, PhD, DLitt, Associate Professor – sociologist from the Jacob of Paradies University in Gorzów Wielkopolski and Rev. Roman Buchta, PhD, DLitt, Associate Professor – Director of the Catechetical Department of the Metropolitan Curia in Katowice.

‘Religion and society. Conversations about the dignity of today’s religion’ is the title of a series of meetings organised at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Silesia in the form of an academic discussion, focused on the exchange of thoughts, based on mutual respect. The topics of the meetings focus on questions about the current state and perspectives of the relationship between religion and society. The contemporary crisis of civilisation, including the crisis of religious institutions, not only raises the need to address its multiple causes. It is also serves as an opportunity to rethink the basic concepts describing religion and religiousness in their socio-cultural dynamics: it makes us reflect on the social function of religion, its communicativeness, individualisation and institutionalisation, as well as on the conditions for reforming religious institutions – and many others.

More on organisers’ website.

Napisy na grafice: RELIGIA I SPOŁECZEŃSTWO. Rozmowy o wiary-godności religii dzisiaj. Ks. prof. dr hab. Janusz Mariański, profesor h.c. UŚ. Religijność młodzieży 2022. Portret socjologiczny. Prowadzenie: ks. dr hab. Arkadiusz Wuwer, prof. UŚ
Graphics promoting the meeting with Rev. Prof. Janusz Mariański


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