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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Logo European City of Science 2024

Science Zone at the World Urban Forum (WUF11)

06.06.2022 - 14:07, update 24.06.2022 - 15:47
Editors: OO

Katowice will be the host of the 11th World Urban Forum (WUF11). This year’s edition will be held from 26 to 30 June 2022. The main part of the forum events is scheduled to take place in the Spodek Arena and the International Congress Centre. The meetings conducted during the Forum will be located in 11 urban areas in the centre of Katowice, including the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Silesia.

This undertaking aims to promote sustainable urban development and discuss the challenges we are facing. It will be an excellent opportunity to find out effective solutions for sustainable urbanisation and to share positive experiences and success stories of the transformation of Polish cities. World Urban Forum is a prestigious conference organised by the UN-Habitat to develop urban areas and human settlements. It is the largest global event on politics and urban transformation.


Science Zone

The Science Zone will be created at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Silesia (ul. Uniwersytecka 4) – an open and accessible space for reflections, exchange of ideas, and debates on building a better future in cities. It will serve as the space for meetings of science representatives from all over the world, WUF delegates, local authorities, and residents of the city. Meetings in the Science Zone will take the form of lectures on the main stage and various other forms of activity in its vicinity, both in tents, specially prepared for this purpose, and in the building of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Silesia. Participants will have the opportunity to take part in workshops and science shows, as well as meetings as part of science stops. All these attractions will be accompanied by music at the stage by the Rawa river, mini-concerts, and performances.

Additionally, there will be a debate “Innowatorzy społeczni w wielkim mieście” [Social innovators in a big city] featuring Robert Pyka, PhD, DLitt, Assoc. Prof. and Witold Mandrysz, PhD. The debate will be moderated by Krzysztof Bierwiaczonek, PhD, DLitt, Assoc. Prof. The goal of the meeting is a discussion on the significance of social innovations in a city. The issues are in line with the new view on a city searching for grassroots initiatives and ideas that may improve the quality of life in a city, citizens’ satisfaction, and the condition of the natural environment and nature in a city. It is of extreme importance to search for new mechanisms of dealing with contemporary challenges (climatic, demographic, social, economic, etc.). The discussion will confront scientific concepts related to creating a “well-tempered city” (J.F.P. Rose) with the voices of practitioners – urban social innovators, thanks to whom cities and districts become better places to live.

The programme of the Science Zone includes the workshops “Upcycling, czyli miejskie majsterkowanie – o społecznym wymiarze gospodarki cyrkularnej” [Upcycling or urban tinkering – about the social dimension of circular economy] coordinated by Zuzanna Neuve-Église from the Observatory of Urban and Metropolitan Processes of the University of Silesia. During the meeting, experts will explain the significance of the circular economy to modern cities, present examples of actions implemented in various urban centres, and organise a simple workshop where you can learn how to reuse daily products.

The Science Zone will be co-created by the University of Silesia, Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice, the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice, Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education, WSB University, Silesian University of Technology, the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, and the University of Economics in Katowice.


grafika promująca Strefę Nauki

Science Zone schedule

ŚFN On Tour

  • 3 p.m. – 8 p.m. – ŚFN On Tour: popular science workshops and exhibition stands


Main Stage

  • “Archiwum dobrej piosenki” [Good Song Archive] concert, i.e. interpretations of songs for voice with piano and other instruments – Iwona Mida, senior lecturer from Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice (Main Stage, 4 p.m. – 5 p.m.);


Upper Stage

  • 5 p.m. – 6 p.m. – lecture “Dźwięk 3d na przykładzie autorskich soundscape’ów Śląska” [3D sound based on the example of original soundscapes of Silesia], lecture with a technology show and workshops – Przemysław Scheller, PhD, Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice
  • 6 p.m. – 6.30 p.m. – workshops “Dźwięk 3d na przykładzie autorskich soundscape’ów Śląska” [3D sound based on the example of original soundscapes of Silesia], lecture with a technology show and workshops – Przemysław Scheller, PhD, Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice

Main Stage

  • 5 p.m. – 6 p.m. – “Głuchoniewidomi w mieście. W Światowym Dniu Głuchoniewidomych porozmawiajmy o dostępności” [Deafblind in a city. About accessibility on the International Day for the Deaf] – Krzysztof Wostal, the meeting will be translated into Polish sign language.
  • 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. – “Równość i różnorodność w przestrzeni miasta” [Equality and diversity in urban space] – the University of Silesia, Student Research Group for Equality and Diversity
    The meeting will cover actions undertaken by non-governmental organisations and informal groups for the inclusion of various social groups, mostly women. The organisers will show how to fight for the rights of the excluded so they are present in a public space of a city and how to manifest their identity on a larger scale. The lecture will include an interactive part as well.
  • 7 p.m. – 8 p.m. – “Technologie kognitywne i sztuczna inteligencja w u(życiu)” [Cognitive technologies and AI in use and life] – Aleksandra Kuzior, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof.; Katarzyna Postrzednik-Lotko, PhD; Bartłomiej Knosala, PhD; Józef Ober, PhD Eng. (Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice)
    The hosts will present opportunities of using cognitive technologies in effective communication. It will cover, e.g. mechanisms of parallel influence on the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind and negation of contradictions, a method of communicating with others by confirming parts of their current experience, and linguistic implications.


Lower Stage

  • 4 p.m. – 5.35 p.m. – lecture “Fizyczne cechy dźwięku” [Physical features of sound] – Roman Hyla, MA, Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice
    The presentation is to introduce sound from the side an ordinary person does not have the opportunity to learn. It covers a lecture and a series of physical experiments allowing us to see the sound and learn its features. The presentation will use modern and traditional elements of musical culture, e.g. organ pipes. It will be carried out in collaboration with a physics workroom of Secondary School No. 8 in Katowice and its director, Bogusław Lanuszny.
  • 5.40 p.m. – 6.25 p.m. – lecture “Społeczna rola muzyki na przykładzie wybranych projektów the artystyczno-edukacyjnych” [Social role of music on the example of selected art and educational projects” – Grażyna Darłak, PhD, DLitt, Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice
    The presentation is to show one of the music functions, i.e. integrating function in its social perspective.
  • 6.30 p.m. – 7.15 p.m. – workshops “Muzyczna podróż dookoła świata” [Musical journey around the world] – Grażyna Darłak, PhD, DLitt, Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice
    The main idea of the workshop is based on joint activity of all participants.


Upper Stage

  • 4 p.m. – 5 p.m. – lecture “Dźwięk 3d na przykładzie autorskich soundscape’ów Śląska” [3D sound based on the example of original soundscapes of Silesia], lecture with a technology show and workshops – Przemysław Scheller, PhD, Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice
  • 5 p.m. – 6.30 p.m. – workshop “Dźwięk 3d na przykładzie autorskich soundscape’ów Śląska” [3D sound on the example of author soundscapes of Silesia], lecture with a technology show and workshops – Przemysław Scheller, PhD, Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice
  • 6 p.m. – 6.45 p.m. – workshop “Muzykoterapeutyczna sesja muzyczna” [Music therapy session] – Dominika Dopierała, Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice
    During the meeting, participants will have an opportunity to be actively involved in a creative process, particularly musical improvisation. There will be various instruments everyone can play together with students of the Academy of Music.


Workshop Tent

  • 6 p.m. – 7.30 p.m. – “Nowoczesny System Identyfikacji Wizualnej jako narzędzie komunikowania się miasta z otoczeniem” [Modern System of Visual Identification as a tool of communication between the city and the environment] – Anna Adamus-Matuszyńska (University of Economics in Katowice), Piotr Dzik (Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice)
    The workshop will be devoted to the practice of developing, implementing and evaluating systems of visual identification of the cities based on experiences of Polish and European cities. The meeting will cover, e.g. base issues such as territorial marketing, good domestic and foreign practices in the area of the visual identification systems of urban local governments, characteristics of a place (identity of a place) and practical advice.

Main Stage

  • 5 p.m. – 6 p.m. – “Infrastruktura sportowa w mieście” [Sports infrastructure in a city] – Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education w Katowicach
    A discussion on accessibility of sports facilities in a city and its functions.
  • 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. – “Sztuczna inteligencja, Przemysł 4.0 i otwarte innowacje – kooperacja i koopetycja” [AI, Industry 4.0, and open innovations – collaboration and coopetition] – Silesian University of Technology in collaboration with DB Cargo Polska
    DA discussion on possibilities of using AI in various branches taking into account Industry 4.0 and opportunities for collaboration and coopetition in open innovations. The discussion will feature: Marek Staszek – CEO at DB Cargo Polska; Michał Batko – Director of Asset Management, Manufacturing and Maintenance at DB Cargo Polska; Paweł Kasprowski, PhD, DSc Eng., Assoc. Prof.; Grzegorz Sierpiński, PhD, DSc Eng., Assoc. Prof.; Anna Timofiejczuk, PhD, DSc Eng., Assoc. Prof.; Aleksandra Kuzior, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (moderator). For people interested in operating a locomotive, there will be a simulator available on 28 June within the Science Zone between 10 a.m. – 8 p.m.
  • 7p.m. – 8 p.m. – “Zdrowie w mieście – nowoczesne technologie w medycynie i rehabilitacji” [Health in the city – modern technologies in medicine and rehabilitation] – Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education
    The panel will present the latest technologies that may be used in highly urbanised areas.
  • 8 p.m. – 8.55 – concert by the Student Song and Dance Ensemble “Katowice” of the University of Silesia


Lower Stage

  • 5 p.m. – 5.45 p.m. – lecture “Fizyczne cechy dźwięku” [Physical features of sound] – Roman Hyla, MA, Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice
  • 5.50 p.m. – 6.50 p.m. – lecture “Miasto jako dobro wspólne” [City as a common good] – Adam Polko, PhD; Małgorzata Czornik, PhD DLitt, Assoc. Prof.; Artur Ochojski, PhD – University of Economics in Katowice
  • 6.55 p.m. – 7.55 p.m. – “Ekoinnowacje i zielona transformacja miast regionów górniczych / Eco-innovations and green transition of cities in mining regions” – Jan Bondaruk, the Deputy Director for environmental engineering at the Central Mining Institute, lecture in Polish or English depending on the audience


Upper Stage

  • 5 p.m. – 6 p.m. – “Czy zieleń korzystnie wpływa na człowieka?” – Krzysztof Rostański, PhD, DSc Eng. Arch., Assoc. Prof. (Silesian University of Technology)
    The presentation will be based on examples of green areas supporting nature and the ones reducing the art of gardening to the role of an artificial environment.
  • 6 p.m. – 6.45 p.m. – “Po co klimatolog potrzebny jest w mieście?” [Why is a climatologist needed in a city?] – Klaudia Plac, University of Economics in Katowice


Workshop Tent

  • 3 p.m. – 3.30 p.m. – “VR w edukacji + symulator starości” [VR in education + age simulation] – Karol Jędrasiak, Michał Łyczak, WSB University
    The software using Virtual Reality was created to show its users the daily difficulties of the elderly. It allows people to experience the visual and hearing impairments of older persons.
  • 4 p.m. – 4.30 p.m. – “VR w edukacji + symulator starości” [VR in education + age simulation] – Karol Jędrasiak, Michał Łyczak
  • 5 p.m. – 5.30 p.m. – “VR w edukacji + symulator starości” [VR in education + age simulation] – Karol Jędrasiak, Michał Łyczak
  • 6 p.m. – 6.30 p.m. – “VR w edukacji + symulator starości” [VR in education + age simulation] – Karol Jędrasiak, Michał Łyczak
  • 7 p.m. – 7.30 p.m. – “VR w edukacji + symulator starości” [VR in education + age simulation] – Karol Jędrasiak, Michał Łyczak

Main Stage

  • 4 p.m. – 5 p.m. – “Efektywność energetyczna a zmiany klimatu” [Energy efficiency and climate change] – Joanna Ferdyn-Grygierek, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. – Silesian University of Technology
    During the meeting, the following issues will be covered: energy efficiency, energy-efficient buildings, state policies regarding limiting CO2 emissions in the context of climate change, examples of free cooling possibilities, possibilities of limiting solar gains, energy and environmental costs of a building’s life on the example of a brick and wooden single-family house.
  • 5 p.m. – 6 p.m. – “How open research data fuel smart urban and metropolitan development” – University of Silesia with Amazon and the City Hall Katowice, event in English
    The debate will present contemporary realities of introducing policies of open access to research data and public information in Europe and Poland, taking into account the perspective of three sectors of the economy, including a research unit, local self-government, and a global company. The meeting will bring closer the concept of a Polish metropolis and a city based on knowledge and collaboration with the environment. The global company Amazon will present implemented projects of sharing open data and its impact on the development of cities and metropolises such as London.
  • 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. – “Niezwykły świat przyrody – niezwykły świat techniki” [An incredible world of nature – an incredible world of technology” – Silesian University of Technology with the Polish Chamber of Ecology
    A panel discussion with a show of technical solutions for environmental protection. The discussion will feature: Przemysław Jura, PhD (Polish Chamber of Ecology), Roman Korab, PhD, DSc Eng., Assoc. Prof. (Silesian University of Technology), Natalia Piotrowska, PhD, DSc Eng. (Silesian University of Technology), Waldemar Paszkowski, PhD, DSc Eng. (Silesian University of Technology), Aleksandra Kuzior, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (Silesian University of Technology, moderator of the discussion).
  • 7 p.m. – 8 p.m. – “Innowatorzy społeczni w wielkim mieście” [Social innovators in a big city], panellists: Anna Bielak-Dworska (The Stable Foundation), Magdalena Janosz (“Kurka Wodna” Association), Małgorzata Krakowiak (Factory of Local Initiatives Association, Zimbardo Centre), Marcjanna Nóżka, PhD, DLitt (Jagiellonian University), Robert Pyka, PhD, DLitt, Assoc. Prof. (University of Silesia), Witold Mandrysz, PhD (University of Silesia)


Lower Stage

  • 5 p.m. – 6 p.m. – talk with Prof. Zbigniew Nawrat on robots in medicine: “Roboty w medycynie” – Medical University of Silesia in Katowice
  • 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. – talk with Prof. Tomasz Francuz on virtual medicine – Medical University of Silesia in Katowice
  • 7 p.m. – 8 p.m. – “Smart Cites & Design. Jak skutecznie zarządzać marką miast XXI (XXII) wieku?” [Smart Cites & Design. How to effectively manage the brand of the 21st (22nd) century cities?] – Bożena Wroniszewska-Drabek, PhD
    The meeting will cover the topics of the process of building a brand, optimising expenses for cities, regions, and metropolises promotion, social media in marketing activities of the cities, regions, and metropolises and the idea of smart in marketing cities.


Workshop Tent

  • 4.25 p.m. – 5.25 p.m. – “Zielona i błękitna infrastruktura w przestrzeniach publicznych” [Green and blue infrastructure in public spaces] – Krzysztof Wrana, Mariusz Raczej, Michał Łyczak
    Is there a lot of green space in your city? Or does it need more of them? What is a blue infrastructure and what to do, to make cities more eco? You can discover answers to these questions during workshops showing the potential and need of creating green spaces in big cities. The workshops are in line with the current trends implemented in the biggest cities around the world.
  • 5.30 p.m. – 5.50 p.m. – “Upcycling, czyli miejskie majsterkowanie – o społecznym wymiarze gospodarki cyrkularnej” [Upcycling or urban tinkering – about the social dimension of circular economy] – Zuzanna Neuve-Eglise (Observatory of Urban and Metropolitan Processes), Natalia Szyszko (Kurka Wodna Association)
    The event is to present the significance of a circular economy for future cities and good examples of actions, and show how to reuse waste and disposable plastic products through simple workshops. The participants will learn the processing of plastic shopping bags with the use of the “ironing” technique. Additionally, they will learn a few basic issues on synthetic polymer and practical tips for the creative use of troublesome plastic rubbish. The workshops accompanying the discussion panel “Innowatorzy społeczni w wielkim mieście” [Social innovators in a big city] will be led by members of the “Kurka Wodna” Association dealing with the broadly understood pro-ecological activity, including upcycling.
  • 6 p.m. – 6.20 p.m. – “Upcycling, czyli miejskie majsterkowanie – o społecznym wymiarze gospodarki cyrkularnej” [Upcycling or urban tinkering – about the social dimension of circular economy] – Zuzanna Neuve-Eglise (Observatory of Urban and Metropolitan Processes), Natalia Szyszko (Kurka Wodna Association)
  • 6.30 p.m. – 6.50 p.m. – “Upcycling, czyli miejskie majsterkowanie – o społecznym wymiarze gospodarki cyrkularnej” [Upcycling or urban tinkering – about the social dimension of circular economy]
  • 7 p.m. – 7.20 p.m. – “Upcycling, czyli miejskie majsterkowanie – o społecznym wymiarze gospodarki cyrkularnej” [Upcycling or urban tinkering – about the social dimension of circular economy]
  • 7.30 p.m. – 7.50 p.m. – “Upcycling, czyli miejskie majsterkowanie – o społecznym wymiarze gospodarki cyrkularnej” [Upcycling or urban tinkering – about the social dimension of circular economy]

  • „CLEANTECH – Touring Exhibition” (admin.ch)
    The exhibition will display innovative technological solutions developed by Swiss scientists and entrepreneurs in such areas as water resource management, agriculture, electromobility, recycling, and energetics.
  • “RECAL” exhibition
    The goal of the exhibition is to emphasise the significance of aluminium not only as a material of infinite recycling but also as the vision of the world and the environment seen by artists. The exhibition will be an inspiration for the city and public space designers to look at cities in a holistic way.
  • “Przemiany” [Changes] exhibition of photographs by Agnieszka Majnusz
    The exhibition presents people with simultaneous vision and hearing impairment – deafblind people. Although this group is very diverse, it could be divided into four main categories: blind and hard of hearing people, deaf and partially sighted people, partially sighted and hard of hearing people, and completely blind and deaf people.
  • Exhibition promoting the WUF11
    The Science Zone will feature an exhibition promoting the WUF11 and the main ideas of the sustainable city. A sustainable city is a multidimensional city, which is a result of good planning. The exhibition is designed on the base of a variable and multidimensional structure relating to the popular Soma cube. Shifting, metamorphosis, completing, and interconnecting elements are related to the idea behind the exhibition – sustainable and just transformation of cities. Four main modules of the exhibition express the main features of a sustainable city: green, productive, just, and compact.

  • “Innowacyjna pergola redukująca efekt tzw. miejskich wysp ciepła” [Innovative pergola reducing the effect of urban heat island] – University of Silesia, Observatory of Urban and Metropolitan Processes in cooperation with the Mines Saint-Etienne IMT (France) and Veolia Polska
    A presentation of a prototype solution allowing for limiting the effect of the so-called urban heat islands. It is an easy-to-install low-budget pergola that absorbs rainwater, stores it in a tank and later releases it through unique cubes the pergola floor is made of. Rainwater gravitationally gets under the floor, through which it then vaporises outside and decreases the temperature of its surroundings. The cooling pergola will be located in the central part of the Science Zone, where it will be available for visitors. Periodically conducted presentations let our guests understand the prototype’s operation in the context of the heat islands phenomenon and a broader context of climatic changes and their influence on life in the city.

Candidate’s Zone

The University of Silesia invites all present and future candidates for studies for an informative meeting within the World Urban Forum, which will take place on 28 June in the Candidate’s Zone at the Faculty of Humanities. Between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., all the interested will have an opportunity to learn the detailed offer of studies and admission process dates, as well as ask any bothering questions.

Other zones

In close proximity to the University of Silesia campus available will be also:

  • MetroLab – a place for discussion on cities and urban policy in various contexts. The programme includes meetings, debates, exhibitions, and workshops on issues important to the GZM Metropolis. The Zone will be located in the Centre for Scientific Information and Academic Library (ul. Bankowa 11a);
  • Innovation Zone – this space will focus on broadly understood urban innovation, impact projects, and smart city solutions. The meetings will take place at the Municipal Business Incubator Rawa.Ink (ul. Teatralna 17a).

Innovation Zone – this space will focus on broadly understood urban innovation, impact projects, and smart city solutions. The meetings will take place at the Municipal Business Incubator Rawa.Ink (ul. Teatralna 17a).


Discussion panel on the European City of Science

The main event of the World Urban Forum (WUF11) will have a discussion panel “Designing the City of Science – what can a university give to a city? Science as a transformation tool”.

We will present a programme of scientific challenges responding to the needs of inhabitants of the region where science is the inhabitants’ natural ally. One of the concepts to be discussed is the concept of a network science centre. The invited experts will share their experience associated with awarding the title of European City of Science 2022 to Leiden and the Katowice preparation for the European City of Science title in 2024. The subjects related to the operation of the City of Science based on the example of Oslo City Science and architectural solutions for the academic campus space will also be discussed.

The panel will be attended by:

  • Lucien Geelhoed – representative of Leiden, the European City of Science 2022,
  • Prof. Ryszard Koziołek – Rector of the University of Silesia,
  • Marcin Krupa, PhD – Mayor of the City of Katowice,
  • Prof. Michael Matlosz – President of EuroScience,
  • Prof. Eng. Arkadiusz Mężyk – Rector of the Silesian University of Technology,
  • Belinda Tato – Associate Professor in Practice of Landscape Architecture at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design The founding member of the ecosistema urbano, a Madrid-based group of architects and urban designers operating within the fields of urbanism, architecture, engineering and sociology.
  • Christine Wergeland Sørbye – CEO, Oslo Science City (online participation).

The panel will be moderated by Prof. Eng. Agata Twardoch – architect and urban planner, professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the Silesian University of Technology.

The panel will be moderated by Prof. Eng. Agata Twardoch – architect and urban planner, professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the Silesian University of Technology.


Other main events

W ramach wydarzeń głównych w Międzynarodowym Centrum Kongresowym odbędą się spotkania z udziałem przedstawicieli Uniwersytetu Śląskiego:

  • 29 June, 1.30 p.m., Auditorium – one of the speakers of the Academia Roundtable will be Robert Pyka, PhD, DLitt, Assoc. Prof., who will take part in the panel “Transforming our cities for a better urban future, innovative research that informs policy making”. The panel discussions will revolve around innovative research methods and research results as a factor benefiting the decision-making processes in cities and shaping changes in urban policies and urban models of development.
  • 30 June, 11 a.m., Ballroom Hall B – panel „Voices from Cities – Multidimensional transformation of post-industrial cities”, the moderator of the meeting will be Robert Pyka, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof.
  • 29 June, 2.15 p.m., the Polish Pavilion – panel “Młodzi aktywiści – jak młodzież wpływa na kształtowanie polityki miejskiej?” [Young activists – how does the youth influence urban policy?. Among the invited guests are: Jadwiga Mizerska (representative of the Youth Council of Kraków), Łukasz Rzepecki (Advisor to the President of the Republic of Poland for Youth Affairs) oraz Jarosław Bieliński (Youth Council at the WUF11). The meeting will be moderated by Prof. Ewa Jarosz (Vice-Rector for Staff Development.

Detailed information about the event, including all the zones, can be found on the WUF11 website.


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