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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Logo European City of Science 2024

Online workshops ‘How not to fall prey to the stereotypes while raising or working with children’

23.03.2023 - 13:46, update 24.03.2023 - 14:25
Editors: OO

The workshops entitled ‘Jak nie wpaść w pułapki stereotypów, wychowując lub pracując z dziećmi’ [How not to fall prey to the stereotypes while raising or working with children] will take place on 28 March 2023 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. and will be run by Aleksandra Dzierzawska from the Kosmos dla Dziewczynek Foundation.

The aim is to show — on the basis of research results — how stereotypes impact children from the earliest moments of their lives, how it is reflected in their self-esteem, self-worth, and their choices, as well as what kind of influence stereotypes have on their future, and consequently the future of the entire world.

You can register for the workshops via the form.

The meeting is conducted as part of the project run by the University of Silesia and the City of Katowice, with the support of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

grafika promująca warsztaty dot. stereotypów

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