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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Monika Kłeczek’s webinar: “Theory of mind in practice”

15.01.2021 - 11:49, update 19.01.2021 - 09:29
Editors: OO

Monika Kłeczek’s webinar: “Theory of mind in practice” will be held as part of „Aware University of Silesia” social campaign. The meeting will be translated to Polish Sign Language. The live broadcast can be watched on Facebook and YouTube channel of the University of Silesia in Katowice.

Monika Kłeczek – social skills coach, psychotherapist, President of the Association for Helping Children and Adults with Asperger Syndrome and Related Disorders. She runs classes for more than 60 people, and in the past she had over 150 individuals with autism spectrum disorders under her care. She is the author of numerous scientific and science communication publications. She is one of the pioneers in working with a person with Asperger syndrome in the southern part of Poland. Her association was the third one dedicated to this subject. It is currently the biggest initiative specialised in supporting high-functioning people with Asperger syndrome. Since 2013, the association has become a member of Porozumienie Autyzm Polska – a platform associating organisations specialised in autism from the entire Poland. It also participates in the work of the parliament group for autism, and has been employing individuals with autism for 4 years. In recent years, the association focuses on helping the youth with Asperger syndrome to become independent and counteracting co-occurring mental disorders, which is very frequent in such individuals.

The „Aware University of Silesia. Autism” campaign is carried out as part the project entitled “DUO – University of Silesia – available, universal and open”, which was co-funded under Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development for 2014–2020, Action 3.5 Complex programmes for universities. You can read about the details on: www.duo.us.edu.pl.

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