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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Institute of Pedagogy – scientific cooperation

24.06.2020 - 12:18, update 24.06.2020 - 12:18
Editors: AJS
Osoby zgromadzone w sali konferencyjnej

The Institute of Pedagogy operates as a research unit located in the structure of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Silesia in Katowice. It was created thanks to the combination of research potential – researchers from the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology and the Faculty of Ethnology and Education Sciences in Cieszyn as part of the reform of the structure of the University of Silesia in 2019.

The Institute employs over 120 research and teaching staff, including 9 full professors and 39 with the degree of habilitated doctor.

The Scientific Council of the Institute of Pedagogy (disciplinary council) has the right to confer doctoral and postdoctoral degrees in the field of social sciences. The Institute publishes scientific periodicals: “Chowanna”, “Intercultural Education” and “International Journal of Research in E-learning”.

As part of their scientific activities, the employees of the Institute of Pedagogy also cooperate with researchers and academic centers from many countries (Great Britain, Malta, Kenya, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Slovakia, France, Austria), international organizations (Council of the Baltic Sea States) and various institutions and national organizations (Ombudsman for Children, Institute of Children’s Rights, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of National Education), as well as with local government units and educational institutions.

Research conducted at the Institute is developed in directions corresponding to global trends: in the areas of education, health promotion, development and optimization of the quality of life of individuals, groups and societies in the conditions of growing multiculturalism and socio-cultural, ethnic, religious and economic diversity. Part of the research is interdisciplinary and is carried out in teams with representatives of other social sciences, but also theological sciences or humanities. Research is carried out with the help of modern scientific methods and with high ethical standards, as well as with respect for human rights, with particular respect for subjectivity and the use of activating participatory methods.

The main areas of research currently developed at the Institute include:

  1. Education and other activities in the context of contemporary and future social, cultural, technological, economic and climate changes;
  2. Well-being and sustainable development of individuals, groups and environments in the pedagogical perspective – possibilities of optimization in the profiles of age, gender, health, fitness level and social adaptation, religion, ethnicity, race and other differences;
  3. Interdisciplinary studies of childhood and adolescence;
  4. Democratization of social life, equality, accessibility and social inclusion, and the development of civil society – threats and opportunities for optimization from the perspective of various groups and environments;
  5. Pedagogical potential of culture in the context of the challenges of liquid modernity and anticipating the future.

Contact person:

prof. Ewa Jarosz

e-mail: ewa.jarosz@us.edu.pl

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