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University of Silesia in Katowice

Logo European City of Science 2024

Discussion panel “Live Life! Get the most of your time” at ESOF2022

07.07.2022 - 12:25 update 18.04.2023 - 12:35
Editors: wc-a
Tags: European City of Science

As part of the celebrations surrounding the European City of Science 2022, which is Leiden, the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) 2022 science conference will be held in this Dutch city from 13 to 16 July 2022. At the same time, in Katowice – a city preparing to accept the title of European City of Science 2024 – the accompanying ESOF2022 Regional Site conference is scheduled to take place on 15 July 2022. The meeting will take place at the International Congress Centre. Free registration via the registration form is required to attend the event. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at esof@us.edu.pl.

One of the thematic panels entitled “Live Life! Get the most of your time – Innovation in chronic disease prevention” was organised by the Medical University of Silesia (SUM) and the Academy of Physical Education in Katowice (AWF). The meeting will be devoted to the prevention of chronic diseases and the formation of pro-health attitudes for the benefit of individuals and the general population. 

The meeting will be divided into two parts. In the first, prepared by the Medical University of Silesia, three risk factors contributing to the occurrence of diseases such as sarcopenia or osteoporosis will be presented – these include:

  1. the acidic load in the human diet, 
  2. the addition of inorganic phosphorus to foods, 
  3. the relationship between particulate and gaseous air pollution and the risk of developing sarcopenia and its accelerated progression.

The meeting will be attended by representatives of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice:  

  • Prof. Piotr Rozentryt, MD, PhD
  • Jolanta Malinowska-Borowska, MD
  • Grzegorz Dziubanek, DHSc
  • Małgorzata Mnich, MSc

The second part, prepared by the Academy of Physical Education, will address three topics related to physical activity, which has a direct impact on the health of both children and the elderly.

  1. The Ninanki GO! project features seven movement schemes that make up an educational programme for children aged 4-10. It represents the animal world where movement is a natural biological need, just as it is in the case of a young person. Identifying animals with individual movements will allow children to learn the fundamental principles of movement in an attractive way, and a properly selected program of sports activities will positively affect their physical and emotional development.
  2. New technologies in controlling physical activity. Providing adequate energy through physical activity, is a key goal for maintaining people’s health and self-sufficiency. At the same time, we observe that more and more people have problems with, carbohydrate metabolism disorders, high blood pressure, and cardiac diseases.  In recent years, devices dedicated to monitoring physical activity have become quite popular..
  3. Innovations in the diagnosis of postural disorders in the elderly. Maintenance of upright posture is one of the most underestimated daily activities. Physiological involutionary processes occurring with age in the nervous system, such as reduced muscle strength, proprioception may cause impaired vision and have an influence on upright posture. This results in a deterioration of body balance with age. Poor balance has been repeatedly shown to be a risk factor for falls. Unintentional falls in people over 65 years of age are a growing problem and a leading cause of injury-related deaths Early recognition of imbalances and their proper interpretation can prevent falls leading to injury and ultimately loss of independence.

The meeting will be attended by:

  • Kajetan Słomka, PhD, DSc (AWF),
  • Krzysztof Ficek, PhD, DSc (AWF),
  • Justyna Michalska, PhD (AWF),
  • Petr Stastny, PhD (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic).


For more information on the conference, please visit the event page. The full programme of the Katowice conference is available on the ESOF2022 website. Registration is free and can be done via the registration form.

Grupka ludzi ćwiczących podskoki na betonie. Słoneczny dzień, wokół ulicy drzewa

Photo by Gabin Vallet | Unsplash

Grafika promująca wydarzenie w języku angielskim. W lewym górnym rogu tytuł wydarzenia. Po prawej lokalizacja wydarzenia: Międzynarodowe Centrum Kongresowe, Ball Room A+B, godz. 17.15–18.30, 15 lipca 2022 roku. Po prawej logo ESOF 2022. W dolnym rzędzie zdjęcia czterech uczestników spotkania: Małgorzata Piecuch, Jolanta Malinowska-Borowska, Piotr Rozentryt, Grzegorz Dziubanek

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