Due to the celebration of the European City of Science 2022, which is Leiden (the Netherlands), from 13 to 16 July 2022, there will be the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) 2022. At the same time in Katowice – the city preparing to take the title of the European City of Science 2024 – on 15 July 2022, there will be an accompanying conference ESOF2022 Regional Site. The meeting will be held in the International Congress Centre. In order to participate, you have to register via the form. The registration is free of charge. In case of any questions contact us via e-mail at esof@us.edu.pl.
During the conference, there will be a panel “Make brain, do not drain – facing the dilemma of scientific excellence” dedicated to challenges that are to be faced by universities suffering from the outflow of academic staff to institutions, regions and countries more attractive for qualified experts.
The participants will ponder whether European universities can be still considered the most prestigious institutions in the world and what place is taken by Chinese scientific institutions. The name of the panel refers to the brain drain phenomena, a burning problem regarding the migration of the greatest scientific potential from poorer countries to the most developed ones to fully realise one’s potential. What to do to keep scientists at their home universities? How can non-famous research centres compete with such institutions as Harvard University or Oxford University?
The panel will be attended by:
- Barbara Kożusznik – Director of Interdisciplinary Centre for Staff Development at the University of Silesia in Katowice, Assoc. Prof. (host);
- Prof. Richard Griffith, – Florida Institute of Technology, USA (online);
- Grzegorz Filipowicz – Director of Forfuture, President at Polish Society HR Business Partner;
- Prof. Małgorzata Kozusznik – Ghent University, Belgium;
- Mateusz Paliga, PhD – University of Silesia in Katowice;
- Katarzyna Wiecek-Jakubek – Head of the HR Department at the University of Silesia in Katowice.
More information on the event’s website. The detailed programme of the conference can be found on the ESOF2022 website. The registration is free of charge, you can make it via the form.