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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Scientific Information Agency – USil website dedicated to science

17.02.2023 - 12:40 update 21.02.2023 - 10:37
Editors: PK

On Monday, 20 February 2023, we launch a new University of Silesia website dedicated to – Scientific Information Agency. It is to help journalists to search for interesting topics and to promote the academic achievements of scientists associated with our University.

The premise of the website is collecting popular science content about research carried out by our scientists, and the gathered materials (texts, photos, videos, audios) may be used by the local, regional and—hopefully—national media reporters. The Scientific Information Agency will additionally include comments by experts regarding the current events and affairs as well as lightweight covers of the celebrated days or holidays.

The website will feature not only convenient short audio content that may be used by radio stations (the so-called soundbites) but also longer content, e.g. articles or podcasts that might constitute a starting point or inspiration for journalists and science bloggers.

The full access to the treasure trove of the portal will be granted after prior registration.

The USil Scientific Information Agency has been working since Monday, 20 February, at ain.us.edu.pl.

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