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University of Silesia in Katowice

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The position of the Council of the Institute of Linguistics of the University of Silesia on the war in Ukraine

02.03.2022 - 12:18 update 21.03.2022 - 11:27
Editors: wc-a
Tags: Ukraine, support

Position formulated at the meeting of the Council of the Institute of Linguistics on 1 March 2022


We follow with great concern the military events in Ukraine, unleashed by the entry of Russian army onto the territory of that country.

We address our expressions of support to all Ukrainian citizens who are exposed to loss of life and health, to those who fight for freedom and independence of their homeland, with arms in hand.

As people of science, we would like to assure you of our heartfelt care to Ukrainian colleagues, scholars and intellectuals, whose research and creative work was interrupted due to the war and whose lives are in danger. Our thoughts and actions are with you.

At the same time, we address people in Russia and Belarus, our colleagues, Russian and Belarusian scholars and intellectuals: we hear your voice of opposition to the aggression of Russian army against Ukraine, we hear your anti-war protests. We express our solidarity with them.

Freedom of individuals and nations, self-determination of states, respect for life and human dignity – these are the values ​​that bind us all.

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