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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Success of USil students in the United States

27.05.2024 - 13:14 update 29.05.2024 - 12:10
Editors: OO

A team of students from the Institute of Pedagogy of the University of Silesia in Katowice consisting of: Barbara Górecka, Sara Piątek, Natalia Mecner, Sylwia Korzon, Julia Stachura and Klaudia Nowak together with coach Magdalena Christ, PhD won first place at the Odyssey of Mind 2024 World Championships in their age category and the fifth long-term problem. More than 700 teams from all over the world took part in the ‘Creativity Olympics’ competition, which took place in the United State.

Since October 2023, students have been working on an interdisciplinary solution to a selected long-term problem consisting of artistic and scientific tasks. Their performance consisted of theatrical and musical elements. When creating the solution, the team drew inspiration from: Jean Twenge’s concept of generational differences, elements of Carl Gustav Jung’s psychoanalysis, surrealist art and research related to teacher burnout. The task also required the use of recycled materials in the most creative way possible and the possibility of using baking soda in an unusual way.

Another element leading to victory was solving a spontaneous problem, the content of which the team learned only after entering a specially designed room. The task required the use of manual skills along with an ad hoc word game. Additionally, teams could also score points for the strength of cooperation between the members and their communication skills. Participation in the competition allowed for intercultural integration, improving language skills as well as boosting the level of key competences of the 21st century.

The World Championships were held at Iowa State University in Ames.

studentki UŚ podczas konkursu Odyseja Umysłu

Photo by Magdalena Christ

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