Prof. Jean NICOD
Country of residence: France
Birth date: 25 March 1923
Award date: 7 February 1994
USil Senate resolution date: 19 January 1993
Application date: 15 January 1993
Applying unit: Councils of the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, and the Faculty of Earth Sciences
Geographer, geomorphologist, member of Commission de Geographie du Centre Nationale de la Recherches Scientifique (C.N.R.S.), honorary president of Commission de Phenomene Karstique du Comite National de Geographie and Association Française de Karstologie, and President of Professeurs d’Histoire et Géographie de l’Académie d’Aix. A professor at the Aix-Marseille University, the University of Nice, the University of Bordeaux. Regular member of the International Geographical Union, creator of scientific programmes (E.R.A. 282), editor of “Karstologia” and “Méditerranée”. The organiser of “table-ronde” conferences, the founder of the French school of karst geomorphology and speleology. He conducted research in many countries, incl. Morocco, the Mediterranean, Madagascar and Central Africa. He made great contributions to shaping the scientific cooperation between Poland and France.