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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Prof. Peter HÄNGGI

Birth date: 29 November 1950

Birthplace: Switzerland

Award date: 9 December 2005

USil Senate resolution date: 28 June 2005

Applying unit: Council of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry

Physicist, full professor at the University of Augsburg, the Washington University in St. Louis and Polytechnic Institute of New York University. Member of numerous editorial boards of leading scientific magazines, international associations and scientific institutions, including The German National Academy of Natural Sciences Leopoldina, the American Physical Society, the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science, and the Institute of Physics in the UK. Specialist in theoretical physics of nonequilibrium statistical physics, theoretical physics of complex systems, molecular transport and quantum dissipative systems. He received an honorary doctorate degree from universities in Barcelona and Camerino.

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