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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Prof. Josif Aleksandrowicz BRODSKI

Country of residence: the USA

Birth date: 24 May 1940

Date of death: 28 January 1996

Award date: 22 June 1993

USil Senate resolution date: 19 April 1993

Application date: 12 January 1993

Applying unit: Council of the Faculty of Philology

Russian poet and prose writer (poems: A part of Speech, Roman elegy, End of century, Stop in the desert, Venetian stanzas, To Urania; plays: Marbles; essays: Less than One, 20 sonnets to Mary Stuart). Winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature (1987). Philosopher of word and speech, a friend of Poland and the Polish, defender of individual freedom and its ethical perseverance.

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