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Inventions of USil students appreciated

09.02.2023 - 12:33 update 13.02.2023 - 09:04
Editors: OO
Tags: studenci, wynalazki

The winners of the 13th edition of the “Student-Inventor” competition, organised by the Kielce University of Technology, were selected. The competition commission awarded five equal main prizes. Among the appreciated competitors were students from the University of Silesia, who were awarded for the method of obtaining new nanomaterials for renewable energy sources in a series of four inventions. The authors of the solution are: Angelika Mieszczanin, Natalia Stolarczyk, Witold Ignasiak, Aleksandra Fijołek, Prof. Eng. Stanisław Krompiec, Sławomir Kula, PhD, Prof. Cezary Pietraszuk, Szymon Rogalski, PhD, Marek Matussek, PhD, Karol Erfurt, PhD, Piotr Lodowski, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof.

Special distinctions were also awarded as part of the competition. The award of the President of the Polish Association of Pharmaceutical Industry Employers was presented to students from the University of Silesia for the amorphous pharmaceutical composition and the method of its preparation, as well as the method of obtaining the second polymorphic form of itraconazole. The authors of the invention are: Daniel Kramarczyk, Zuzanna Mrozek, Alfred Błażytko, Prof. Marian Paluch, Justyna Knapik-Kowalczuk, PhD, DSc Eng., Assoc. Prof.

The “Student-Inventor” competition aims to encourage students to participate in the creation and development of an economy based on innovation. The main prize is the presentation and promotion of solutions during the International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva – Geneva Inventions 2023 and the International Warsaw Exhibition of Inventions IWIS 2023. 123 solutions were submitted to the 13th edition of the competition, including the largest number from the University of Silesia – 14.

The list of all winners can be found on the website of the Kielce University of Technology.

Na ciemnoniebieskim tle widoczna jest jasnoniebieska żarówka oraz ikony związane z nauką: wykres, atom, linijka, zegar, probówka, znaki matematyczne, mikroskop/On dark blue background visible light blue bulb and icons connected with science: chart, atom, ruler, clock, test tube, mathematical symbols, microscope

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