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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Help those in need – take part in the collection

16.09.2024 - 13:07 update 03.10.2024 - 09:09
Editors: katarzynasuchanska

Many residents of the southwestern part of Poland have suffered greatly from the flood that has hit the country recently. As a result of this tragedy, many families lost not only their vehicles and personal belongings, but sometimes everything they had. Given the difficult situation, we cannot leave those in need without support. We encourage everyone to participate in the help efforts.

Since Sunday, collections for flood victims have been organised in Katowice and Sosnowiec. You can bring products such as: bottled mineral water, soft drinks, long-term food, cleaning products, personal hygiene products, and pet food. PLEASE NOTE: We do not accept items of clothing as part of the collection!

Collection points in Katowice:

  • 16 September until 10.00 p.m. at the City Hall, ul. Młyńska 4
  • 17-20 September, 7.30 a.m.–8.00 p.m., ul. Pocztowa 5
  • 17-20 September, 7.30 a.m.–8.00 p.m., ul. Świdnicka 35a, Terenowy Punkt Pomocy Społecznej nr 7 (Local Social Welfare Point No. 7)
  • 17-20 September, ul. Krzyżowa 1, Miejski Domu Kultury “Koszutka”, filia Dąb (Municipal Cultural Centre “Koszutka”, Dąb branch)
  • 17-20 September, ul. Marcinkowskiego 13a, Miejski Domu Kultury “Bogucice-Zawodzie”, filia Zawodzie (Municipal Cultural Centre “Bogucice-Zawodzie”, Zawodzie branch)
  • 17-20 September, Plac pod Lipami 1, Miejski Domu Kultury “Szopienice – Giszowiec” (Municipal Cultural Centre “Szopienice – Giszowiec”)
  • until 22 September, ul. Świętego Pawła 3, Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School in Katowice

Collection points in Sosnowiec:

  • 6 a.m.-10 p.m., ul. Szymanowskiego 5A, Centrum Usług Socjalnych i Wsparcia w Sosnowcu (Social Services and Support Centre in Sosnowiec)
  • Grota-Roweckiego 64, CKZiU (Centre for Vocational and Continuing Education)
  • ul. Kilińskiego 31, CKZiU (Centre for Vocational and Continuing Education)
  • ul. Zawodzie 34, SP21 (Primary School No. 21)
  • ul. Baczyńskiego 14, SP12 (Primary School No. 12)
  • ul. Kisielewskiego 4B, ZSO14 (General Educational School Complex No. 14)
  • ul. Starzyńskiego 41, SP33 (Primary School No. 33)
  • ul. Jedności 7, SP13 (Primary School No. 13)
  • ul. Prusa 253a, ZS2 (School Complex No. 2)
  • ul. Kościelna 9, SP4 (Primary School No. 4)
  • ul. Armii Krajowej 93, SP32 (Primary School No. 32)
  • ul. Wojska Polskiego 84, SP15 (Primary School No. 15)

Schools accept donations from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Collection points in Dąbrówka Mała:

  • from 17 September, 3.00-8.00 p.m., ul. Strzelców Bytomskich 33, Ochotnicza Straż Pożarna (Volunteer Fire Department)

We would like to remind members of the academic community affected by the flood about the possibility of using various forms of assistance offered by the University of Silesia:

  • students can submit an application for aid in the USOSweb system (according to the regulations on benefits, you can receive it a maximum of twice in an academic year),
  • employees can apply for emergency aid under University Social Benefits Fund,
  • employees are entitled to a leave from work equal to 2 days or 16 hours during the calendar year due to force majeure in urgent family matters caused by illness or accident, if the immediate presence of the employee is necessary (during the period of this leave from work, the employee retains the right to up to half the renumeration; form available on the website: https://view.officeapps.live.com/.

If other forms of support are necessary, students can contact the Student Service Centre (e-mail: dlastudenta@us.edu.pl), and employees can contact the Department of Personal and Social Affairs. You can also report your needs directly to pomagam@us.edu.pl.

gafika z napisem "zbiórka dla powodzian"

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