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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Fundraising for a hospital in Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine

02.03.2022 - 08:52 update 04.03.2022 - 13:55
Editors: katarzynasuchanska

The Hospital in Czeladź and the University of Silesia carry out fundraising for the purchase of medical devices and first-aid measures for the hospital in Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine. The fundraising is an answer to the appeal of the employees of the medical facility in Ukraine, which is in a grave situation. According to the relations, they lack the basic supplies in order to work and provide aid and rescue. The hospital admits more and more victims of the current war in Ukraine.

If you wish to support the fundraising you can make a donation to the account of the Palliative Care Association “Nadzieja” operating at the Hospital in Czeladź.

Getin Bank SA 56 1560 1010 0000 9010 0006 1687
KRS: 0000011033 with a note: Hospital for Ukraine

Szpital w Będzinie-Czeladź i UŚ

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