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Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach

Instytut Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Medialnej
Logo Europejskie Miasto Nauki Katowice 2024

dr hab. Karolina Koc-Michalska, prof. UŚ

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Obszar zainteresowań badawczych

  • Komunikowanie polityczne
  • Studia wyborcze
  • Zaangażowanie polityczne
  • Nowe media i społeczeństwo
  • Media i polityka
  • Socjologia mediów
  • Opinia publiczna

Wybrane publikacje

Boulianne S., Koc-Michalska K. (2022). The Role of Personality in Political Talk and Like-Minded Discussion, International Journal of Press/Politics, 27(1), 285-310.

Koc-Michalska K., Schiffrin A., Lopez A., Boulianne S., Bimber B. (2021). From online political posting to mansplaining: the gender gap and social media in political discussion, Social Science Computer Review, 39 (2), 197-210.

Castro L., Strömbäck J., Esser F., Van Aelst P., de Vreese C., Aalberg T., Cardenal A.S., Corbu N., Hopmann D.N., Koc-Michalska K., Matthes J., Schemer C., Sheafer T., Splendore S., Stanyer J. Stępińska A., Štětka V., Theocharis Y. (2021). Navigating high-choice European political information environments: a comparative analysis of news user profiles and political knowledge, International Journal of Press/Politics, 1-33.

Skoric M.M., Zhu Q., Koc-Michalska K., Boulianne S., Bimber B., Selective avoidance on social media: a comparative study of western democracies, Social Science Computer Review, 1-18.

Lilleker D., Koc-Michalska K., Bimber B. (2021). Women learn while men talk?: revisiting gender differences in political engagement in online environments, Information, Communication & Society, 24(14), 2037-2053.

Koc Michalska, K., Lilleker, D., Negrine, R., Gibson, R., Strudel, S., Vedel, T. (Red.) (2019). Social Media Campaigning in Europe. Routledge.

Koc Michalska, K., Lilleker, D. (Red.) (2018). Digital Politics: Mobilization, Engagement and Participation. Routeledge.

GELOVANI, S., THEOCHARIS, Y., KOC-MICHALSKA, K., & BIMBER, B. (2024). Intergroup ethnocentrism and social media: Evidence from three Western democracies. Information, Communication & Society, 1–19 (online first)

BRUCE BIMBER, B., LABARRE, J., GOMEZ, D., NIKIFOROV, I., KOC-MICHALSKA, K., (2024) Media Use, Feelings of Being Devalued, and Democratically Corrosive Sentiment in the US, International Journal of Press/Politics (online first)

RUSSMANN, U., KLINGER, U., & KOC-MICHALSKA, K. (2024). Personal, Private, Emotional? How Political Parties Use Personalization Strategies on Facebook in the 2014 and 2019 EP Election Campaigns. Social Science Computer Review, 42(5), 1204–1222.

TULIN, M., HAMELEERS, M., DE VREESE, C., AALBERG, T., CORBU, N., VAN ERKEL, P., ESSER, F., GEHLE, L., HALAGIERA, D., HOPMANN, D. N., KOC-MICHALSKA, K., MATTHES, J., MIHELJ, S., SCHEMER, C., STETKA, V., STRÖMBÄCK, J., TERREN, L., & THEOCHARIS, Y. (2024). Why do Citizens Choose to Read Fact-Checks in the Context of the Russian War in Ukraine? The Role of Directional and Accuracy Motivations in Nineteen Democracies. The International Journal of Press/Politics, (online first).

BOULIANNE, S., COPELAND, L., & KOC-MICHALSKA, K. (2024). Digital media and political consumerism in the United States, United Kingdom, and France. New Media & Society, Vol. 26(4) 2110–2130

KLINGER, U., KOC-MICHALSKA, K., & RUSSMANN, U. (2023). Are Campaigns Getting Uglier, and Who Is to Blame? Negativity, Dramatization and Populism on Facebook in the 2014 and 2019 EP Election Campaigns. Political Communication, 40(3), 263–282.

THEOCHARIS, Y., BOULIANNE, S., KOC-MICHALSKA, K., & BIMBER, B. (2023). Platform affordances and political participation: How social media reshape political engagement. West European Politics, 46(4), 788–811.

KOC-MICHALSKA, K., LILLEKER, D., MICHALSKI, T., GIBSON, R., ZAJAC, J. (2021) . Facebook affordances and citizen engagement during elections: European political parties and their benefit from online strategies?, Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 18(2), p.180-193.

KOC-MICHALSKA, K., SCHIFFRIN, A., LOPEZ, A., BOULIANNE, S., BIMBER, B. (2021). From Online Political Posting to Mansplaining : The Gender Gap and Social Media in Political Discussion. Social Science Computer Review, 39(2), 197-210.

KOC-MICHALSKA, K., BIMBER, B., BOULIANNE, S., GOMEZ, D., JENKINS, M. (2020). Public Beliefs about Falsehoods in News. International Journal of Press/Politics, 25(3), 447-468.



Profesor w Department of Communication & Culture, Audiencia Business School we Francji

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