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Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach

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grudzień 2020
Instytut Psychologii
Logo Europejskie Miasto Nauki Katowice 2024

Wykład profesora Petera Jonasona z Uniwersytetu w Padwie, wizytującego Instytut Psychologii UŚ

03.12.2020 - 18:50 aktualizacja 03.12.2020 - 18:54
Redakcja: michalinailska2
12 stycznia 2021 roku o godzinie 11.30, prof. Peter Jonason wygłosi wykład: “Darkness around the world” dla pracowników i studentów Wydziału Nauk Społecznych.


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Peter Jonason jest profesorem na Wydziale Psychologii Ogólnej Uniwersytetu w Padwie. W roku akademickim 2020/21 (semestr zimowy) prowadzi zajęcia z psychologii osobowości na kierunku Psychologia, jako profesor wizytujący w Instytucie Psychologii UŚ. Więcej informacji na jego temat można znaleźć na



Abstrakt wystąpienia:

The Dark Triad traits (i.e., narcissism, psychopathy, Machiavellianism) capture individual differences in darker aspects of personality. However, most studies on the Dark Triad traits tend to rely on samples from English-speaking/Western countries and fail to account for country-level variance. In Study 1, we drew on data from 49 countries (N = 11,723) to examine how (a wide net of) country-level variables in economic status (e.g., GDP per capita), social relations (e.g., gender equality), political orientations (e.g., militarization), and social values (e.g., power distance) relate to country-level rates of the Dark Triad traits and variance in the magnitude of sex differences in the Dark Triad traits. Harsher economic conditions were associated with more narcissism and psychopathy whereas more “liberal” social conditions and values were associated with larger sex differences in the narcissism and psychopathy. In Study 2, we collected data from two countries (N = 557) that differ in socioecological conditions (i.e., Turkey and Australia) and measured (1) perceptions of a dangerous and competitive world and (2) individual differences in the Dark Triad traits. Turkish participants were higher in Dark Triad traits than Australian participants were and this was a function of competitive worldviews and stronger in men. Results are discussed using a life history model of personality traits as behavioral syndromes of adaptive social strategies.


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