Registration and schedule
USOSweb – second round of registration starts on Fabruary 18 (Tuesday) 21:00 and ends on February 20 (Thursday) 23:59.
Schedule: Popularization of science 24-25L.xlsx
dr Andrzej Boczarowski
Faculty of Natural Sciences, Jurapark Krasiejów, paleontologist, graphic designer, museologist
Popularization of science is becoming an obligatory task for every researcher nowadays. It is our duty to return to society information about what scientific research, often financed from public funds, concerns.
But there is also a less formal issue related to this – arousing interest among young people, motivating them to choose specific studies, and also satisfying the curiosity of ordinary citizens for whom knowledge is simply interesting.
The teacher will share his experiences with the participants during a one-day trip to Jura Park Krasiejów, an entertainment and science theme park dedicated to dinosaurs and evolution.
The all-day trip will be organized on May 12, 2025.
dr hab. Paweł Jędrzejko, prof. UŚ
Faculty of Humanistics, american literary researcher, translator
Course organized as one workshop on March 31, 13:45-18:30.
dr Jerzy Jarosz, prof. UŚ
Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Silesia Children, physicist, popularizer of science
One of the important aspects of popularizing science is effective communication with large groups of recipients, and one of the most effective and universal tools for this purpose is experiment.
The classes are divided into two meetings, during which we will discuss examples of didactic experiments related to the education and popularization of various fields of science and learn the basic principles of their design and use.
We will also plan, perform and interpret our experiments for the needs of the classes.
We will look for references for the issues discussed in didactic work, scientific work, and our everyday research.
Date: May 19 and 26 (Monday), 13:45-16:00, Katowice, Uniwersytecka 4, Open University
dr Marek Kaczmarzyk
Faculty of Natural Sciences, biologist, neurodidactic
In my classes, I focus on the importance of knowledge and the responsibility that lies with the world of science, in conditions of easy access to information.
I would like to show the change that is taking place before our eyes in the area of the quality of available information in the aspect of elements of the biological basis of information distribution, such as memory and perceptual processes, relations between rational and emotional perception of reality and between inherent (genetic) and environmental factors. From this perspective, the figure of the lecturer/popularizer is particularly important. One of the axes of our analyses will also be the memetic interpretation and the basic laws of selection and evolution of cultural information.
Date of classes: 3 meetings of 2 academic hours each, Mondays April 7, 14 and 28, 17:00-18:30, online
dr Ryszard Knapek
95 / 5 000 Doctoral School, editor of the Przystanek Nauka portal, co-organizer of the Silesian Science Festival
A billion years ago the world was pink!
These and other strange sentences are based on real and reliable scientific research that someone tried to describe popularly and interestingly. During the classes, we will work with such cases – how to talk about your research so that it is interesting, but not funny (unless – humorous). We will try out several popularization tools that everyone can use in their work, not professionalizing themselves as a popularizer, but efficiently informing about their scientific endeavors.
During the classes, we will try to prepare short popular science texts and try out which social media are best suited for presenting your efforts and achievements.
Classes in the form of three meetings. The first – live – March 31 (Monday) at 15:30 The next two – online – April 7 and 14.
Radosław Aksamit
Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Silesia Media Center, spokesperson and organizer of the Silesian Science Festival
Science Popularization Activities: Event Organization + Using a TV Studio.
prof. dr hab. Iwona Loewe
Faculty of Humanistics
The six-hour course provides PhD students with effective guidelines for popularizing science. Popularization is understood in it as popularization, intriguing partners in the discipline and outside the discipline, as well as those who are merely curious.
Class dates in the summer semester of 2024/2025: April 2 and 9, 16:00-18:00 at Uniwersytecka 4 in Katowice.
Passing classes based on other activities
People who pass during the semester and at other times are added to this group based on the coordinator’s decision on passing.